
roi n.(pl.rois ) 〔法語〕王。 le roi l...


And it came to pass after the death of abraham , that god blessed isaac his son . and isaac dwelt by beer - lahai - roi 亞伯拉罕死了以后、神賜福給他的兒子以撒以撒靠近庇耳拉海萊居住。

Getting through this highly visible stage requires meeting roi demands and carefully managing km growth 順利地進行這一可預見階段需要符合投資回報的要求以及小心的管理知識的增長。

Click rates are definitely no conversion , the roi must be defined as a real value for the advertiser 點擊率肯定沒有轉換效果,必須使用投資回報率,來為廣告客戶帶來的真正價值。

The return - on - investment ( roi ) of marketing spendings will become increasingly important for advertisers 對廣告主來說,在投資報酬率( roi )的市場營銷開支將變得越來越重要。

Roughly half of the entire pool , however , admitted that they did not have methods in place to measure roi 但是,大約半數的受訪者承認他們沒有現成的工具對投資收益做出測量。

Measure marketing plan effectiveness and roi by instituting appropriate tracking and reporting mechanisms 通過建立適當的追蹤與報告機制來衡量市場規劃的有效性與投資回報

The original intent of this report wasn ' t to dig up siebel dirt , but rather to uncover roi best practices 該報告本來并非針對賽貝爾,而是要發現實現投資收益的最佳途徑。

The author distinguishes perceived quality from real quality and points out its effects on roi 感知的質量是品牌資產的重要組成部分,并直接和間接地影響著投資回報。

E - commerce or information technology managerial experience . education in roi or management accounting 電子商務及資訊管理經驗。修讀過有關roi或會計管理課程。

After abraham ' s death , god blessed his son isaac , who then lived near beer lahai roi 11亞伯拉罕死了以后,神賜福給他的兒子以撒。以撒靠近庇耳拉海萊居住。

Many small and medium private equities are also turning to china for high roi opportunities 近年來不少中小型私人股本也有意向進入中國市場分一杯羹。

Leadership now needs to see the potential for measurable gains and roi from successful pilots 領導現在需要看到試點的可預計的收益潛力和投資回報率。

Therefore the well was called beer - lahai - roi ; behold , it is between kadesh and bered 創16 : 14所以這井名叫庇耳拉海萊這井正在加低斯、和巴列中間。

That is why the well was called beer lahai roi ; it is still there , between kadesh and bered 14所以這井名叫庇耳拉海萊。這井正在加低斯和巴列中間。

Wherefore the well was called beer - lahai - roi ; behold , it is between kadesh and bered 創16 : 14所以這井名叫庇耳拉海萊這井正在加低斯、和巴列中間。

Helping people see that roi is bunk in a world where intangibles are paramount 在這個無形資產至上的世界里,幫助人們了解roi是一個虛假的東西。

And isaac came from the way of the well lahai - roi ; for he dwelt in the south country 創24 : 62那時、以撒住在南地、剛從庇耳拉海萊回來。

Now isaac had come from going to beer - lahai - roi ; for he was living in the negev 創24 : 62那時、以撒住在南地、剛從庇耳拉海萊回來。

Report to pm engineer if need renew equipment . need do roi ( return of investment ) 協助維護工程師完成設備更新、改進等工作。