
roguish adj.1.流氓的,無賴的。2.淘氣的,搗鬼的,惡作劇的...


From producer jerry bruckheimer pearl harbor comes pirates of the caribbean : the curse of the black pearl , the thrilling , high - seas adventure with a mysterious twist . the roguish yet charming captain jack sparrow s johnny depp idyllic pirate life capsizes after his nemesis , the wily captain barbossa geoffrey rush , steals his ship the black pearl , and later attacks the town of port royal , kidnapping the governor s beautiful daughter elizabeth keira knightley 此時,與她青梅竹馬的維廉奧蘭度邦尼不惜與神秘海盜王積克尊尼特普聯手,誓要救回伊莎正當一場人魔大戰即將爆發之際,竟發現積克才是鬼盜船的主人,而維廉亦與神秘魔咒有極大關連究竟誰可破解魔咒之謎?

Screen adaptations of jane austen ' s novels have become as common as star wars sequels but now the author ' s own life is to be the subject of a film . an ? 8 million movie detailing the thwarted summer love of austen at 19 for a young and roguish irishman , tom lefroy , a real life suitor , has begun shooting in dublin . robert bernstein , one of the producers , said yesterday : “ it is young love 傲慢與偏見理智與情感愛瑪和曼斯菲爾德花園英國19世紀浪漫主義小說家簡奧斯汀的系列愛情名著一直以來都是影視劇翻拍的熱門題材,而英國目前正在拍攝的電影將講述這位小說家鮮為人知的初戀。

The roguish yet charming captain jack sparrow s johnny depp idyllic pirate life capsizes after his nemesis , the wily captain barbossa geoffrey rush , steals his ship the black pearl , and later attacks the town of port royal , kidnapping the governor s beautiful daughter elizabeth keira knightley 以布沙船長謝菲路殊為首的邪惡海盜,因盜取傳說寶藏而中了神秘魔咒,在月圓之夜會變成不死的活骷髏,駕著鬼盜船橫行殺戮。

And amid this swooning murmur , these perishing sighs of sound , the orchestra struck up the small , lively notes of a waltz with a vagabond rhythm bubbling with roguish laughter 在竊竊的低語聲沉寂下來,嘆息聲正在消逝時,樂隊以歡快的小音符倏地奏起了一段華爾茲樂曲,曲子的節奏粗俗,里面還夾雜著猥褻的笑聲。

Very well , then , “ angel dearest “ , if i must , she murmured , looking at her candle , a roguish curl coming upon her mouth , notwithstanding her suspense “那好吧,最親愛的安琪爾,要是我非叫不可的話, ”她低聲說,一面看著蠟燭,盡管心里猶豫不定,但還是撅著嘴巴,做出調皮的樣子。

Mrs breen in man s frieze overcoat with loose bellows pockets , stands in the causeway , her roguish eyes wideopen , smiling in all her herbivorous buckteeth 一起低下頭去表示同意我們大多認為大概是這么回事。

Prepare to receive soup . he crossed under tommy moore s roguish finger 他從湯米穆爾那搗鬼114的指頭底下橫穿過去。