
rogue n.1.歹徒,惡棍;流氓,無賴;乞丐;騙子。2.愛捉弄人...

rogue program

Earthbind totem : this totem will no longer break rogue stealth 地縛圖騰:不再會使盜賊脫離潛行狀態

Many people regard its government as the poster child for rogue regimes 以下是這篇演講的節選,由

Don ' t buy a used car from that rogue 不要從那惡棍手里買舊車。

Hunter : all rogues will now show on their world map 獵人:所有的盜賊都會在他們的地圖上顯示出來

Little rogues easily become great ones 小壞蛋容易變成大壞人。

“ so you like it , you rogue ? “那么你很喜歡這些菜了,乖兒子? ”

Stop it ! he ' s a rogue agent ! he works for the other side 別這樣!他是個壞的特工他給壞人辦事

What happened in shanghai was not rogue . i was trying - - 上海發生的事情并不是魯莽,我只是想要

Rogue eldar , we must destroy them 無賴的靈族,我們必須毀滅他們!

What happened in shanghai was not rogue . i was trying - 上海發生的事情并不是魯莽,我只是想要

Stealth : some rogue abilities give your hero stealth 潛行:某些盜賊給予你的英雄潛行的能力。

Send rogues 1 0 and 1 1 to station 38 把羅格10號和11號傳送到38號艙

5 you must never allow rogues to jump the queue 你絕不能讓無賴插隊

Little rogue biting its tail just by her left ear 這個小淘氣就在她左耳邊咬住自己的尾巴。

Vaughn went rogue on a sanctioned mission 在這個任務上沃恩欺騙了我們

What are your thoughts on a rogue trilogy 對于三部曲,你是怎么看的?

It ' s ok , rogue . you can let go , honey 沒事,羅杰.你可以放手了,親愛的

. . . or anything like that . there ' s usually some rogue ones . . .或像那樣.這里總是有流氓出現

Impudent rogues ! said the old prince . do you know metivier 公爵說, “您知道梅蒂維埃嗎?