
roget n.羅熱〔姓氏〕。


In his three short stories the murders in the rue morgue ( 1841 ) , the mystery of marie roget ( 1843 ) and the purloined letter ( 1844 ) , edgar allan poe invented the whodunit and the modern detective genre 在他的三部小說《莫爾格街兇殺案》 ( 1841 ) 、 《瑪麗?羅杰神秘案件》 ( 1843 )和《失竊的信函》 ( 1844 )中,埃德加?艾倫?坡創造了“胡達尼特”和現代偵探小說流派。

Although it offered thirty - nine synonyms , none matched my notion of a team , either . so i dusted off my non - virtual hard copy of roget s 盡管它提供了39個同義語,但卻沒有一個能與我想像中的概念相匹配。

Thesaurus and looked up the word again . i found a lot of entries beginning with 所以我摒棄了roget辭典不現實的解釋,再次尋找該詞。

Hey , roget . you going to joyce ' s tonight 嗨, roget今晚你去joyce那兒嗎?