
rogers n.羅杰斯〔姓氏,男子名〕。


Rogers television - channel 10 羅杰斯電視臺第十頻道

Yeah , she ' s my buck rogers ship 它就是我的奔月飛船

In the heat of the argument mr rogers lost his self - control “在這激烈的爭論中,羅杰斯先生失去了自制力。

Jim rogers : i doubt it . there are too many who will cheat 吉姆?羅杰斯:我懷疑。太多國家會欺騙(大家) 。

You know what will rogers said 威爾羅杰斯是這么說的…

Jim rogers : i would prefer gold to oil in that time period 吉姆?羅杰斯:我在這段時間傾向黃金多過石油。

He was to share a room at the hotel sedgwick with w . a . rogers 他跟威?羅杰斯在塞奇威克旅館合住一個房間。

From moscow , here ' s james rogers 吉姆.羅杰,莫斯科報道。

Jim rogers : yes , there has been an effect , but not much 吉姆?羅杰斯:是的,他們確實有影響,但并不多。

“ benjamin rogers , did you tear this book ? “ a denial . another pause “本杰明羅杰斯,書是你撕的嗎? ”

Sear rogers international school , kowloon 九龍弘爵國際學校

The telesthesia between rogers ' person - centered therapy and chinese culture 與中國文化的精神溝通

Revelation of c . r . rogers educational ideas to physical education 羅杰斯教育思想對體育教育的啟示

From moscow , here ' s james rogers 詹姆斯?羅杰,莫斯科為您報道。

From moscow , here ' s james rogers 詹姆斯羅杰斯從莫斯科發來報道。

Peter rogers : with pleasure . and thank you very much (彼得?羅杰斯:我很高興。非常感謝您。 )

Rethinking on rogers ' educational theory 對羅杰斯教育理念的再思考

I hereby declare mr rogers elected 我特此宣布,羅杰斯先生當選了。

I bought this new kenny rogers disc on sale today 今天減價時我買了這張肯尼?羅杰斯的新唱片。