
roentgen Roentgen , Wilhelm Conrad 倫琴...


At present , is included by the united nations the world culture and the natural heritage scenic spot historical site and the natural landscrape has 14 , namely the london tower , ( the congress building ) , the cloth roentgen heym palace ( nearby oxford ) , the kanter uncle thunder host church , the buss city , salisbury suburb megalith and so on the vestige , the iron bridge canyon ( west of wool fertile hampton ) , fang tingsi the monastery and the botanical garden ( york by north ) , dallam ' s cathedral and the ancient castle , the harder good great wall ( area newcastle ) , gwynedd ' s castle group ( area the welsh carnarvon ) , scotland ' s saint kiel reaches the archipelago , north blue likes “ road of the giant “ being with pacific ocean ' s on england enjoys the german woods coral island 目前,被聯合國列入世界文化和自然遺產的名勝古跡和天然景觀就有14處,即倫敦塔、威斯敏斯特宮(國會大廈) 、布倫海姆宮(牛津附近) ,坎特伯雷主教堂、巴斯城、索爾茲伯里郊區的巨石陣等遺跡,鐵橋峽(伍爾沃漢普頓以西) ,方廷斯修道院及園林(約克以北) 、達勒姆的大教堂和古城堡、哈德良長城(紐卡斯爾一帶) ,圭內斯的城堡群(威爾士卡那封一帶) ,蘇格蘭的圣基爾達群島,北愛蘭的“巨人之路”和太平洋上的英國屬地享德森珊瑚島。

Since bones show up clearly as white objects against a darker background , roentgen ' s rays proved particularly suited for examining fractures and breaks , but they could also spot cancer tumors , respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis or black lung , and a variety of other tissue abnormalities 由于當白色的物體對著深色的背景時骨骼顯現得很清楚,倫琴射線被證明尤其適合于檢查骨折和骨裂,但是它們也可以發現癌癥、腫瘤、肺結核或黑肺等呼吸道疾病以及一系列其他組織異常。

In 1895 , wilhelm roentgen accidentally discovered that a cathode - ray tube could make a sheet of paper coated with barium platinocyanide glow , even when the tube and the paper were in separate rooms 1895年,威廉?倫琴偶然發現陰極射線管能使涂有一層氰亞鉑酸鹽鋇的薄相紙發光,甚至當陰極射線管和相紙分別放在不同的房間時也能發光。

The broadcast and the management art class test place is located in the henan university bright roentgen school district ( kaifeng ming lunjie 85 ) , the test time starts from january 27 , 2008 to carry on turn 播音與主持藝術類考試地點設在河南大學明倫校區(開封市明倫街85號) ,考試時間從2008年1月27日開始分批進行。

The calligraphy class examination site is located in the henan university bright roentgen school district ( kaifeng ming lunjie 85 ) , the test time is on january 26 , 2008 書法類考點設在河南大學明倫校區(開封市明倫街85號) ,考試時間為2008年1月26日。

The resistivity of some of the insulating materials mentioned above is temporarily impaired by exposure to a few thousand roentgens of x radiation 上述的某些絕緣材料在受到幾千倫琴的x輻射照射后,其電阻率會出現暫時性的減少。

Scanning roentgen microanalyzer x 射線掃描微量分析儀

William roentgen discovered x - rays 威廉?倫琴發現了x射線。

In actual practice, measuring instruments do not directly determine the number of roentgens . 在實際應用時,測量儀器并不能直接測定倫琴數。