
roebuck 雄狍。


Sears , roebuck & company announced yesterday that it was pulling the plug on its “ big book “ catalogues , … as part of an extensive revamping that will close113 of its stores and carve50 , 000 jobs from its payroll 西爾斯百貨公司昨天宣布結束“大本”商品目錄(郵購業務) 。 … … (這本目錄在鄉間美國家庭里與圣經并列已有九十七年。 )作為公司重整計劃的一部分。此外公司將關閉113家分店,解雇5萬人。

Finally , in january 1942 , the president responded to widespread criticism by creating the war production board ( wpb ) , under the direction of former sears roebuck executive donald nelson 最后,總統針對普遍的批評于1942年1月建立了戰時生產委員會,由美國西爾斯百貨公司前主管經理唐納德?納爾遜負責指揮。

Built in 1973 for sears - roebuck & company , the sears tower was the highest building in the world until it was topped by the petronas towers in malaysia in 1996 西爾斯大廈是在1973年為西爾斯?羅巴克公司修建的,在1996年馬來西亞“國油雙峰塔”峻工之前,一直是世界最高的建筑。

[ kjv ] ten fat oxen , and twenty oxen out of the pastures , and an hundred sheep , beside harts , and roebucks , and fallowdeer , and fatted fowl 肥牛十頭、草場的牛二十頭、羊一百只,此外還有鹿、羚羊、 ?子和肥禽。

Ten fat oxen , and twenty oxen out of the pastures , and an hundred sheep , beside harts , and roebucks , and fallowdeer , and fatted fowl 王上4 : 23肥牛十只、草場的牛二十只、羊一百只、還有鹿、羚羊、子、并肥禽。

Ten fat oxen , and twenty oxen out of the pastures , and an hundred sheep , beside harts , and roebucks , and fallowdeer , and fatted fowl 23肥牛十只,草場的牛二十只,羊一百只,還有鹿,羚羊,狍子,并肥禽。

Ten fat oxen , and twenty oxen out of the pastures , and an hundred sheep , beside harts , and roebucks , and fallowdeer , and fatted fowl 肥牛十頭、草場的牛二十頭、羊一百只,此外還有鹿、羚羊、 ?子和肥禽。

Even as the roebuck and the hart is eaten , so thou shalt eat them : the unclean and the clean shall eat of them alike 你吃那肉,好像人吃羚羊和鹿的肉一樣;不潔凈的人和潔凈的人都可以一起吃。

Ten fattened oxen and twenty pastured oxen and a hundred sheep , besides deer and gazelles and roebucks and fattened fowl 23肥牛十只,草場的牛二十只,羊一百只,還有鹿、羚羊、 ?子和肥禽。

Even as the roebuck and the hart is eaten , so thou shalt eat them : the unclean and the clean shall eat of them alike 你吃那肉,要像吃羚羊與鹿一般。無論潔凈人不潔凈人都可以吃。

A tiger can pull a roebuck to pieces in a matter of minutes 一只老虎可以在幾分鐘內把一只雄鹿撕碎。

A tiger can pull a roebuck to pieces in a matter of minute 一只老虎可以在幾分鐘內把一只雄鹿撕碎。