
roe n.(pl. roes, 〔集合詞〕 roe) 【動物;...


Avoid eating the head , skin , viscera and roe of coral reef fish which usually have higher concentration of toxin 進食珊瑚魚時,避免吃頭部、魚皮、內臟,和魚卵,因為毒素較多積聚于這些部分;

Ten fat oxen and twenty oxen from the fields , and a hundred sheep , in addition to harts and gazelles and roes and fat fowls 肥牛十只、草場的牛二十只、羊一百只、還有鹿、羚羊、 ?子、并肥禽。

The “ roe versus wade “ supreme court decision legalizing abortion was handed down on january 22nd , 1973 1972年前的1月22日,美國聯邦最高法院對《羅訴韋德案》作出裁決,導致墮胎在美國合法化。

Avoid eating the head , skin , viscera and roe of coral reef fish which usually have higher concentration of toxin 進食珊瑚魚時,避免吃頭部魚皮內臟,和魚卵,因為毒素較多積聚于這些部分

Manulife financial reports 23 per cent increase in shareholders net income ; raises roe target to 16 per cent 宏利金融公布股東收入凈額增長達百分之二十三資金回報目標提高至百分之十六

Oh , i am quite willing to exchange roe - deer for colliers , at the price . your men are good men too , i hear 呵,我很情愿用這價錢把化鹿去換礦工,我還聽說你的工人都是些好人呢。 ”

The soft egg white absorbs the essence of the crab meat and roe . the prawns in salted egg yolk are crunchy and scrumptious 香滑的蛋白吸收了蟹肉和蟹粉的鮮味伴碟的蝦球蘸上

Remove the viscera , gonads and roe before cooking and eat a smaller amount of shellfish in any one meal 在烹煮貝類前先除去其內臟生殖器及卵子,及每次進食較少份量的貝類

Mix thoroughly with scallion strips , ginger juice , crab meat , shrimp roe , salt , cooking wine and cornstarch 放碗中,加蔥姜汁蟹肉蝦子鹽料酒淀粉攪拌上勁

It will be your food , like the gazelle and the roe ; the unclean and the clean may take of it 你吃那肉、要像吃羚羊與鹿一般、無論潔凈人、不潔凈人、都可以吃。

Product of designations of origin or geographical indication - fuyuan roe of amur sturgeon , kaluga sturgeon , and chum salmon 原產地域產品撫遠鱘魚子鰉魚子大麻

Eat a smaller amount of shellfish in any one meal , and avoid eating the viscera , gonad and roe 每次進食較少份量的貝類,同時避免進食其內臟、生殖器及卵子。

Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter , and as a bird from the hand of the fowler 要解救自己,像羚羊脫離獵人的手,像飛鳥脫離捕鳥人的手。

Have you knowledge of the rock - goats ? or do you see the roes giving birth to their young 山巖間的野山羊幾時生產,你知道嗎?母鹿下犢之期,你能察定嗎?

Prawn stuffed with the roe of some 30 mini crabs results in a rich dish fit for a king 每只鮮蝦均釀上約30只蟛蜞蟹子,香腴豐美,堪稱帝皇級享受。

Turn off the fire . stir with egg whites , seasoning and petals . garnish with crab roe 最后熄火,加入拂勻的蛋白、調味料及菊花瓣,用蟹籽裝飾即成。

Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins , which feed among the lilies 5你的兩乳好像百合花中吃草的一對小鹿,就是母鹿雙生的。

2g shrimp roe 蝦籽2克

1g shrimp roe 蝦子1克