
rodney n.羅德尼〔姓氏;男子名〕。


I ' m rodney bigbottom - - 我叫羅尼?大臀. .

Male artist rowland , rodney 男藝人洛利奧蘭

Rodney : ugh . what happened 阿,發生了什么?

- you don ' t know that . - i know they ain ' t hesitate when they killed rodney -你不知道-我知道他們在殺羅德沒有猶豫!

You don ' t know that . - i know they ain ' t hesitate when they killed rodney 你不知道-我知道他們在殺羅德沒有猶豫!

Artist name : rowland , rodney 藝人名稱:洛利奧蘭

You must be rodney . - mm - hmm 你一定是羅德-對

- you must be rodney . - mm - hmm -你一定是羅德-對

He soon came to the attention of rodney and was put on his tour 不久他引起了羅德尼的注意并從此走上了藝術之旅。

Rodney but they could help us 但是他們能幫助我們

[ rodney ] but they could help us 但是他們能幫助我們

Rodney ! we ' re here to save you 羅尼!我們來救你啦!

“ i can swim fast ! i am the best swimmer ! ” said rodney 洛尼說“我可以游得很快!我是最好的游泳健將! ”

You ' ve got greatness in you , rodney 你很有潛力,羅尼

Come on , we ' ve gotta help rodney 快點,我們得去幫羅尼

Rodney never as bad as this . - groaning 從沒像這次這樣糟

Thanks , rodney . you ' re number one 謝了,羅尼,你是最棒的

Rodney “ come to the gobi , “ theysaid “來戈壁吧” ,他們說

Rodney began to sob with grief 羅杜尼悲傷得開始哭了起來。