
rodman (用釣竿)釣魚者;【測】標桿員,立尺員;〔美俚〕執槍強盜...


Although the two have been arrested for fighting in a hotel , the two still remain together despite all the antics and rumors that are continuously spread about them . besides rodman , carmen has been romantically linked to tommy lee , cypress hill s b - real and limp bizkit s fred durst 2000年,她出演了恐怖搞笑懸念片恐怖電影scary movie又名驚聲尖笑,一部低級搞笑無喱頭電影,但其過億元的票房成績則令人側目。

Debbi rodman : tom , his practitioners like anita daniel - galletti , and even his patients , bang on an acupuncture training doll , marked with different energy points of the body 諾文:譚輝,他的治療師們,像安妮達。丹尼爾。加利地,甚至和他的病人們,都一起敲打標有不同能量穴位的針灸模型。

Debbi rodman : craig benson is a former governor of new hampshire . a decade ago he was diagnosed with a debilitating and often lethal heart condition 諾文:奇利。賓信是新罕布希爾州的前州長。十年前,他被判斷有使他十分衰弱及可以致命的心臟病。

As a result , scola became this era ' s dennis rodman . as with rodman , the spurs faced a dilemma with a player better than his trade value 結果,斯科拉成了第二個羅德曼。當年,馬刺在羅德曼問題上進退兩難,因為羅德曼是個物超所值的家伙。

The two tied the knot in 1997 and separated only seven days later - with rodman claiming that he wasn t in his right state of mind at the time 最讓她出名的還是她與nba球星丹尼斯羅德曼的婚禮新郎他穿著婚紗帶著彩色的假發套。

Only the bulls offered anything of substance , because they rightly figured michael jordan could control rodman ' s scattered brain cells 只有公牛真正愿意出錢買他,他們估計喬丹能駕馭羅德曼那顆散亂的心,事實證明他們是對的。

Debbi rodman : but tong ren doesn ' t work for everybody . in fact , tom tam is controversial among some of his colleagues 諾文:但銅人療法不是對每個人都產生作用。其實,譚輝在他的一些同業中成為備受爭議的人物。

Debbi rodman : he changed his diet and believes combining tom ' s acupuncture and tong ren changed his life 諾文:他改變了飲食習慣,以及相信譚氏的針灸及銅人療法改變了他的生命。

Debbi rodman : they are just two of thousands of people who say they should have been dead years ago 諾文:他們只是數千個說他們于多年前應該已經病死的其中兩個例子。

Mr . rodman is the most heavily insured man in the world , carrying $ 4 , 000 , 000 insurance on his life 羅德曼先生是世界上投保最多的人,為自己投了4 , 000 , 000美元的人壽險

Scola isn ' t rodman , exactly . for one , scola has yet to wear a wedding dress , at least in public 確實,斯科拉不是羅德曼。至少在公共場合還沒有玩穿婚紗的把戲。

Debbi rodman : some might say , though , that it ' s false hope 諾文:但是有些人可能說,想想看,那它是假的希望。

Debbi rodman : you didn ' t have radiation 諾文:您沒有做電療

What do charles and rodman do for a iiving ?焊吹霉紈耙?擺

Debbi rodman : you didn ' t have chemotherapy 諾文:您沒有做化療

Dennis rodman seems like a hard guy to keep on track 但是,丹尼斯?羅德曼可是個令人頭疼的家伙。

Debbi rodman : what did your doctor say then 諾文:你的醫生之后怎樣說?

Debbi rodman : you didn ' t change your diet 諾文:你沒有改變你的飲食習慣?

Didn ' t rodman tell you ? didn ' t he tell you ? look at this 霉紈耙?盾?盾