
rodgers n.羅杰斯〔姓氏〕。


It is mainly based on bruner ' s construction - teaching theory , skiner ' s programmed - teaching theory , ausubel ' s teaching theory of assimilation , broom ' s master - learning theory and rodgers “ learner - centered theory . 5 . the purpose of studying individual diversity in senior english teaching . part two : research sketch and its analysis 4 、差異教學的思想理論依據,差異教學的心理學,教育學的理論基礎主要有布魯納的結構教學理論,斯金納的程序教學理論,奧蘇伯爾的同化教學理論,布魯姆的掌握學習理論以及羅杰斯的以學習者為中心理論。

“ it ' s been a terrific week of football both for the individual players and the team , ” said coach brendan rodgers . “ we ' ve given a terrific account of ourselves , and we ' ve given an excellent account of the club which was very important to what we are doing “從足球的角度來講,這是很棒的一周,不管是球員個人還是球隊, ”主教練布倫丹.羅杰斯說: “我們給人留下了深刻的印象,我們用自己的表現證明了我們的俱樂部是多么棒。

The other honour of the night was the young talent award for the academy player who has impressed the most , chosen by director of youth development frank arnesen , academy manager neil bath and reserve team coach brendan rodgers 典禮上還有一個獎項就是“天才青年球員獎” ,這個獎項頒給青年隊中表現最出色的球員,球員是由青訓部門主管阿內森、青年隊主教練尼爾.巴斯以及預備隊主教練羅杰斯共同評選的。

The group , currently on a critically acclaimed comeback tour with former free singer paul rodgers taking on vocal duties , have overtaken the beatles and elvis presley as the artists who have spent the longest time on the british album charts 據衛報7月5日報道,據統計,皇后樂隊力壓披頭士樂隊和貓王elvis presley成為在英國唱片銷量排行榜上停留時間最長的藝人。

Rodgers made the first chelsea substitution at half - time , 17 year - old israeli centre - forward beh sahar , a summer arrival from hapoel tel - aviv , coming on for simmonds with cummings pushing wide down the left 羅杰斯在中場作了人員調整, 17歲的以色列中鋒本?薩哈爾是今年夏天從特拉維夫引入的,他替換西蒙德斯,卡明斯換到左路。

Anne - toni rodgers , spokeswoman for nice said : “ breast and bowel cancer are two of the most common cancers , affecting around 33 , 000 and 31 , 000 people each year respectively Nice女發言人安托妮?羅杰斯說: “乳腺癌和大腸癌是最常見的兩種癌癥,每年分別波及到大約33 , 000和31 , 000人。 ”

Just over a month previously , she had been cast opposite jamie lee curtis for another disney adaptation of a novel , this time of a fantasy comedy by mary rodgers 只不過在上方一以前,她有投相反杰克李去適應的小說的,這次是瑪莉羅杰斯的喜劇幻想的另一迪斯尼的柯蒂斯。

Unfortunately , furman suffered a second booking in consecutive games and is currently suspended from the final . but coach brendan rodgers is appealing 不幸的是,弗曼在不斷的比賽中得到了兩張黃牌,因此決賽將停賽。但是主教練布倫丹?羅杰斯正在為此上訴。

Richards , j . c . & t . s . rodgers . 2001 . approaches and methods in language teaching . cambridge : cambridge university press 束定芳, 2004 , 《外語教學改革:問題與對策》 ,上海:上海外語教育出版社。

It was the first home game in charge for brendan rodgers who moved from coaching the youth team in the summer 這是布蘭丹?羅杰斯今夏出任青年隊教頭后的首場主場比賽。

That s what got june scobee rodgers through the grief and shock of her husband s tragic death 這是她能說的,這助她度過難關,使她把傷痕變成勛章。

You better stop that talk , girl , ifyou don ' t want it to get back to miss rodgers 你最好別提這些了被羅杰斯小姐聽到就糟了

All of the recent rodgers and hammerstein productions have been smash hits 羅杰斯和哈默斯坦最近制作的影片都非常賣座。

I ' m clean , miss rodgers . - you have a historyofidrug abuse 我沒有用過藥,羅杰斯小姐-你有濫用藥物的前科

- i ' m clean , miss rodgers . - you have a historyofidrug abuse -我沒有用過藥,羅杰斯小姐-你有濫用藥物的前科

So all you ' re gonna find here is complete compliance , miss rodgers 你能看到的是絕對的服從,羅杰斯小姐

Who areyou ? - i ' m marie rodgers , her new parole officer 你是誰? -我是瑪麗?羅杰斯,她新的假釋監督官

- who areyou ? - i ' m marie rodgers , her new parole officer -你是誰? -我是瑪麗?羅杰斯,她新的假釋監督官

“ june scobee rodgers included this famous quote of carl sandberg 高靜恩在這里寫下注腳: