
rodger n.羅杰〔男子名〕。


“ dr . gorbsky ' s results provide elegant proof that the cell cycle must be precisely controlled , “ said rodger mcever , vice president of research at the facility . “ now he and his lab can work toward developing innovative methods to probe and better understand the complex process of cell division . the research is detailed in the april 13 issue of the journal nature 該基金會負責研究工作的副主席羅杰麥凱維爾說, “戈爾博斯基博士的研究成果為下面這種觀點提供了非常有力的證據,那就是細胞分裂的循環周期必須處于精確控制之下” , “現在他及其所在的實驗室可以致力于開發出更具創新性的研究方法,以對細胞分裂進行進一步的探索,并使人們能夠更為深入詳細地了解細胞分裂的復雜過程” 。

Officers who called at rodger parkinson ' s home found every room filled with a total of 35 , 000 letters and parcels . when they arrested him in february he said : “ i ' m glad in a way - it needs sorting . “ parkinson , 48 , formerly of hoylandswaine , near barnsley , south yorkshire , admitted delaying the delivery of post 據每日電訊報5月18日報道,警方發現,帕金森家中的每一間房都堆滿了他偷來的信件或包裹,總共3 . 5萬件,以至于警方需要用一輛載重量為7噸的卡車才能運走。

Rodger riney is the president and chief executive officer of scottrade , inc . , which he founded in 1980 as a discount brokerage firm serving individual investors 羅杰?潤禮于1980年創辦史考特證券公司,目前擔任史考特證券的公司總裁兼首席執行長,史考特證券是一家折扣經紀證券商,主要服務個人投資者。

Van nistelrooy is now waiting to hear from the club , with gill expected to contact the player ' s agent rodger linse 范尼現在在等球隊的消息,吉爾希望聯系球員的經紀人羅格-林塞。

Plastic surgeons rodger pielet and lawrence gottlieb , surgery professor at university of chicago , have operated on T確切地知道什么得到,和禮券是一個了不起的選擇。