
roderick n.羅德里克〔男子名〕。


By psychoanalysis of roderick based on freud ' s death theory , this paper puts forward an original version that death is not a horrible thing but a kind of desire and release for roderick , and demonstrates it from three perspectives including roderick ' s inhibition origin , his rehearsal of death desire and his real release of final death 本文從弗洛伊德的死亡理論出發,對羅德里克的行為提出了一種全新的闡釋,即對于羅德里克來說,死亡并不是一種可怕的歸宿,而恰是隱藏在其內心深處的欲望和痛苦的解脫。

As for the remark that “ pco is a toothless tiger “ , privacy commissioner mr . roderick woo responded , “ the privacy commissioner does not play the role of a tiger and does not want to be regarded as a tiger . “ on the contrary , the pco intends to establish a better social culture through complaint handling , provision of information , issuance of codes of practice , and conduct of public education and promotional activities so that organizations and members of the public would have a better understanding of the ordinance and would comply with its requirements 對于公署被指為無牙老虎,個人資料私隱專員吳斌回應:私隱專員擔當的角色,絕對不是老虎,亦不想被人當作是老虎。相反,公署會通過處理投訴、提供資訊、發出實務守則、舉辦公眾教育及宣傳活動等途徑,去建立良好的社會風氣,讓市民和機構認識和遵守個人資料(私隱)條例。

I hope that the publication of this report will serve to illustrate the regulatory stance taken on the matter and promote a high standard in proper personal data management , particularly for organizational data users that have a large number of staff , “ said mr . roderick woo , privacy commissioner for personal data 我希望這份報告能夠表明公署作為監管機構在這次事件上的立場,并推動各資料使用機構,尤其是雇員眾多的機構,能夠訂立正確管理個人資料的高標準。

The privacy commissioner for personal data , mr . roderick woo , has submitted a report to the home affairs bureau ( hab ) today ( 4 august ) in response to the allegations appearing in recent media reports that the deputy privacy commissioner mr . tony lam had abused public money 個人資料私隱專員吳斌先生今天(八月四日)已就傳媒近日報導副個人資料私隱專員林永康先生涉嫌濫用公帑一事,向民政事務局提交報告。

The remarks were made by the superintendent of police small boat division , mr roderick mason , at a press briefing this ( january 14 ) morning on the operation which led to the seizure of smuggled goods worth about $ 6 million off lung kwu tan on january 12 水警小艇組警司麥遜宜今早(一月十四日)在記者會上講述一月十二日龍鼓灘檢獲六百萬元走私貨物的行動時,作出以上表示。

In the fall of the house of usher of edgar allen poe , roderick ' s motivation to bury his sister alive and his final death are eternal mysteries which initiate readers ' countless imagination and deduce various explanations 摘要愛倫?坡的代表作《厄舍府的倒塌》中,主人公羅德里克活埋其妹的動機及其最后的死亡一直是一個難解之談,引起了讀者的無限遐想。

The hksar government announced on 22 april the appointment of mr . roderick b . woo , jp , as the new privacy commissioner for personal data for five years with effect from 1 august 2005 政府昨天(四月二十二日)宣布委任吳斌太平紳士為新任個人資料私隱專員,任期五年,由二零零五年八月一日生效。

“ he ' s a person who thinks words get in the way of communication , “ says roderick hart , a lecturer in communication studies at the university of texas , bush ' s home state 他相信直接而又嚴肅的談話。 ”得克薩斯大學傳播學講師羅德里克阿特說。得克薩斯州是布什的家鄉。

Professor roderick wong , dean of the faculty of science and engineering of the city university remarked , “ i am grateful to the support rendered by the hong kong observatory 城市大學科學及工程學院院長王世全教授說:香港天文臺鼎力支持這項計劃,我們實在感激。

The privacy commissioner for personal data , mr . roderick woo , meets the media today ( 1 september ) to give an account on his work after taking the office for one month 個人資料私隱專員吳斌今日(九月一日)會見傳媒,匯報上任后一個月的工作綱要。

The advisory committee established under the personal data ( privacy ) ordinance is chaired by the privacy commissioner for personal data , mr roderick woo 諮詢委員會根據?個人資料(私隱)條例?設立,主席為個人資料私隱專員吳斌。

Whatever his origin and status in english life , the young roderick armstrong was a tartar 無論他在英國的出身以及社會地位如何,羅德里克?阿姆斯特朗終究是個硬漢子。

Mr roderick chalmers 湛萬韶先生

Pco - mr . roderick woo appointed privacy commissioner for personal data Pco -吳斌先生獲委任為個人資料私隱專員

“ hong kong letter - roderick woo , privacy commissioner for personal data 香港家書個人資料私隱專員吳斌

Mr . roderick woo appointed privacy commissioner for personal data 吳斌先生獲委任為個人資料私隱專員

The nobel prize in chemistry : roderick mackinnon 諾貝爾化學獎-羅德里克麥克金南

Whatever his origin and status in english life, the young roderick armstrong was a tartar . 無論他在英國的出身以及社會地位如何,羅德里克阿姆斯特朗終究是個硬漢子。