
rodeo 短語和例子〔美國〕n.1.(集中牛馬的)圈地;(為打烙印...


If you don ' t live on a cattle ranch , you can see today ' s cowboys at a rodeo , or you can pick up a book about the old west and dream about a life of riding into the sunset on the back of your trusty horse 雖然你不是住在養牛的農場里,你現在還是可以在馬術競賽會中看到牛仔,或者是你可以看看有關古老西部的書籍,想像自己騎在最信任的馬兒背上,朝著日落方向奔馳而去。

Rodeos are big affairs with bands , singing cowboys and clowns providing entertainment . they are still popular today , with around 500 taking place in the united states each year 牧馬騎術表演會非常盛大,通常有樂隊,唱歌的牛仔以及小丑進行娛樂表演。牧馬騎術表演會至今仍很盛行,在美國每年大約要舉行500場。

The fort ransom sodbusters association , an organization that celebrates and preserves pioneer life in fort ransom , north dakota , organizes sodbuster days and an annual rodeo 福特蘭森農夫協會位于北達科他州的福特蘭森,協會宗旨在于慶祝及保存在地的拓荒者生活,另外也負責組織農夫日及其他的年度馬術競技會。

In most professional rodeo shows , riders compete in seven events : saddle bronc riding , bareback riding , bull riding , calf roping , steer roping , team roping , and steer wresting 在大多數專業牛仔競技表演中,騎手們將競逐七個項目:有鞍野馬騎術,無鞍騎術,公牛騎術,套小牛,套公牛,分組套牛,和博牛。

Open july 4 , 1999 are three new historical galleries , the american cowboy gallery , the american rodeo gallery , and prosperity junction , a re - created authentic western town 1999年7月4日新開放了3個歷史展廳,美國牛仔展廳,美國rodeo展廳,和繁榮的交叉路口,一個仿真西部小鎮。

At the end of a round up , they held competitions called rodeos to see who was best at roping a cow , riding a wild horse , or shooting 在把牛群趕攏之后,牛仔們通常會舉行名為”牧馬騎術表演會”的競賽,并選出最擅長擲索套牛、馴野馬或射擊的人。

Jack meets and marries lureen ( anne hathaway ) , a texan rodeo queen , with whom he has a son , and joins her father ' s farm - equipment business 杰克娶了露玲(安妮.海瑟微) ,德洲競技女王,生了個兒子,并開始在她父親那里做農用機械的生意。

Fun - filled days of rodeos , races , rides , and carnival games help raise funds to finance scholarships and many other civic programs 而馬術競賽會、競賽、騎馬及游戲博覽會所募得的基金將會應用在獎學金及其他的市民計劃上。

“ where else would you debut a 20 million wedding cake but on rodeo drive ? “ said show organiser ilona sherman 婚慶用品展的舉辦者伊羅娜謝爾曼說: “除了羅迪歐大道以外,還有哪里可以展出一只2000萬美元的蛋糕? ”

“ where else would you debut a $ 20 million wedding cake but on rodeo drive ? “ said show organiser ilona sherman 婚慶用品展的舉辦者伊羅娜?謝爾曼說: “除了羅迪歐大道以外,還有哪里可以展出一只2000萬美元的蛋糕? ”

Traveling to pro rodeos and youth rodeos across the nation providing hospitality booths and church services for the contestants 越過為競爭者提供好客位子和教堂服務的國家旅行到職業人員圈地和青春圈地。

A horse and rider complete an introductory lap before a rodeo show in a muddy tucson , arizona , arena 在亞利桑那州塔克森市的一個泥濘競技場里,一匹馬及其騎手在牛仔競技表演開場之前先繞場地跑了一圈。

In the rodeo , cowboys and cowgirls participate in calf roping , bull or bronco riding , and steer wrestling 在馬術競技會上,男牛仔及女牛仔會參加的項目包括了套小牛、無鞍騎乘野馬或野牛及追牛扳倒。

Rodeo evolved from the often dangerous tactics cowboys used to break horses and to catch and brand cattle 牛仔們經常使用一些危險的手法分開馬群和捕捉標記牛群,牛仔競技由此演化而來。

And we will be passing her name on to the u . s . council on beauty pageants dog shows and rodeos 并且我們會把她的名字上交到全美選美小狗展覽,牛仔競技表演委員會

Bike rodeos are arranged whenever we are approached by a school to set up a session for their students 我們可以根據學校的需要,隨時為學生安排這項活動計劃。

People are swarming to austin like bulls to a rodeo clown . what makes the city so darn appealing 問:人們都涌向奧斯丁,是什么使這座城市那么吸引他們呢?

Demolition derbies are large - scale automobile rodeos that take place in big arenas 撞車比賽指的是在很大的競技場上舉行的大型汽車駕駛技術表演。

Please contact our centre if you would like to have a bike rodeo at your school 如果有學校希望發展此項活動,請與我們中心聯絡。