
rodenticide n.殺鼠劑,殺嚙齒類劑。


The pesticides ordinance ( cap . 133 ) regulates the manufacture , import , supply , storage and sale of all pesticides , including rodenticide , in the territory , through registration of pesticides , licensing of pesticide dealers and requirements for labelling and packaging of pesticides (一) 《除害劑條例》 (第133章)透過規定為除害劑注冊、發牌予除害劑販商以及定立除害劑的包裝和標簽要求,規管包括鼠藥在內的除害劑在本港的制造、入口、供應、貯存及售賣等事宜。

The paper primarily introduces the development of botanical rodenticide and its application , and further analyzes its development trends and application prospect 本文介紹我國植物源滅鼠藥劑的研究及應用情況,并分析了植物源滅鼠藥劑的發展趨勢和應用前景。

Conclusion : the combination of rodenticide deratization and environmental control was the most effect , with the adoption of the deratization method in key sites 結論:藥物滅鼠與環境治理相結合是最有效的防制方法,采取重點場所滅鼠法可取得事半功倍之效。

Botanical rodenticide is mainly composed of deratizing and sterizing types . the former can kill the rat directly and the latter can sterilize the rat 植物源滅鼠劑主要分為植物源殺鼠劑和植物源鼠類不育劑。

Paragraph 6 . 1 of non - toxic pesticides , rodenticide , and the wholesale and retail agricultural equipment 第6 1類非劇毒農藥、殺鼠劑、農業器械的批發零售。

Report on a myocardium - impaired case caused by acute and severe fluoride rodenticide poisoning 急性重度氟化物鼠藥中毒致心肌損害1例報告

Infantile acute rodenticide poisoning treated by peritoneal dialysis : one case r eport 腹透治療小兒急性鼠藥中毒1例報告

Climical analysis of 96 baby - cases with rodenticide poisoning 小兒滅鼠藥中毒96例臨床分析