
rodent adj.1.咬的,嚼的;【動物;動物學】嚙齒目的。2.【...


Intensified rodent and pest control work , including anti - mosquito measures 加強防治蟲鼠工作,包括滅蚊

Functions of vomeronasal system in reproduction behavior of the rodent 犁鼻系統在鼠類繁殖行為中的功能

Avoid the following high risk activities to reduce rodent contact 避免以下高危活動以減少接觸嚙類動物

4455 hutchison small rodents adventure games 更多同類游戲

Macfadyena unguis - cati fled small rodents 小老鼠貓爪出逃

Hutchison small rodents adventure games 小老鼠冒險記小游戲

Disgusting earth rodent . now to neutralize that duck 你這只惡心的地球嚙齒動物現在我要干掉那只鴨子

I must ' ve heard hundreds of you rodents make the same claim , 我聽過無數像你一樣的吸血鬼說過同樣的話

Save the mice , release the rodents 拯救老鼠,釋放嚙齒動物。

Control measurements and survey on rodent pesticide market in guizhou 貴州鼠藥市場現狀及治理對策

Macfadyena unguis - cati fled small rodents games 益智類小游戲

Rodent and pest accelerated the serious situation 只有合理利用和保護天然草地,綜合治理退化草地

Ratatouille is pixar ' s tale of a rodent chef 《蔬菜雜燴》 ,皮克斯創作的關于一個鼠類廚師的故事。

Investigation of rodents from changbaishan area in jilin province 吉林省長白山地區鼠類的調查研究

Investigation on rodent and its parasitic flea in dongshan port 東山口岸鼠形動物及其寄生蚤調查

' cause sometimes they iook rodent - iike 因為有時候看起來很象老鼠

To , uh , vermin and to rodents and to lice 害蟲老鼠虱子.的時候

Community structure of rodents in foping nature reserve 陜西佛坪自然保護區嚙齒動物群落結構研究

Keep the environment clean to eradicate mosquito , pest and rodent 保持地方整潔,杜絕蚊蟲鼠患