
rod ROD =rewritable optical disc...

rod cell

Heat is said to reach the cooler end of the rod by conduction along or through the material of the rod . 于是我們就說,熱沿著(或經過)棒的物質傳導到棒的較冷的一端。

He never had an ache or pain, ate his food with gusto, and ruled his brothers with a rod of iron . 他一向無病無痛,吃東西總是津津有味的,用強硬手段來管他的兄弟們。

We were given rods with three separate hooks, and once i caught three fish at the same time . 人家給我們的釣竿上裝有三個分叉的釣鉤,有一回,我一次就釣上來三尾魚。

Venus herself supplies resolution and boldness to boys still subject to discipline and the rod . 維納斯向那些仍然受紀律和戒尺約束的男孩子提供了決心和勇氣。

Rose loves her father-her father does not rule her with a rod of iron; he is good to her . 羅斯愛她父親--她父親并不拿著鐵尺來管教她,他對她很好。

The cap and rod have bearings which permit the crankpin to rotate freely within the rod . 軸瓦蓋和連桿中有軸瓦,它允許連桿內的曲柄鎖自由地轉動。

Beyond the undeviating barbed-wire fences were clumps of golden rod . 在一排排筆直的,用帶刺的鐵絲編扎的柵欄那一邊,有一叢叢金黃色的秋麒麟草。

David lifted and lifted, but the rod only bent and the line only tightened . 戴維一次接一次地提竿,魚竿就是直不起來,釣絲就是照樣繃著。

Since silver is a very good conductor, the points of each silver rod have been shortened . 由于銀是很好的導體,每個銀棒的兩端都被短接。

Add metal from the rod by dipping the end into the pool so that it melts and makes up the vee . 將焊條一端浸入池內熔化,填滿V形坡口。

No sooner were the pieces of silk rubbed against the glass rod than electricity appeared on the rod . 用絲綢摩擦玻璃棒,棒上就帶電。

The piston end of the rod is attached to the piston by the piston pin, or wrist pin . 連桿的活塞端用活塞銷或銷軸安裝在活塞上。

I came trusting them. they beat me with rods of dullness . 我剛來時很信得過他們,但他們卻抄起了沉悶乏味的生活這個鞭子狠揍我。

Sometimes the carbon rods are copper coated to improve electrical conductivity . 有時這些碳棒包上一層銅,以增加其導電性。

Finally he bought a pint of pure glycerine and a glass rod a foot long . 最后他又買了一品托純甘油和一根一英尺長的玻璃棒。

Fully inserted into the reactor, the control rods halt the chain reaction . 完全插入反應堆中,控制棒使鏈式反應暫時停止。

By making a force triangle, the force in the connecting rod can be determined . 作出力的三角形,可以決定連桿中的力。

Large numbers of electrons are transferred from the glass rod to the silk cloth . 大批電子由玻璃棒轉移到綢布上。

The electrons freed in the phototube cross over to the metal rod . 光電管中被釋放的電子從金屬片渡越到金屬桿上。