
rococo n.【美術】(法國18世紀以浮華纖巧為特色的)羅可可式;...


The style was characterized by a free , graceful movement ; a playful use of line ; and delicate colors . jean - antoine watteau ( french , 1684 - 1721 ) is often referred to as the greatest of the rococo painters , and his pictures of the embarkation for cythera demonstrates the elegance of this style . the rococo is sometimes considered a final phase of the baroque period 路易十五的情婦蓬巴杜夫人、杜巴莉夫人的趣味左右著宮廷,致使美化婦女成為壓倒一切的藝術風尚。它一方面不免浮華做作,缺乏對于神圣力量的感受;另一方面卻以法國式的輕快優雅使繪畫完全擺脫了宗教題材。

Paris , famous for its museums , romantic cafes , ambitious leaders , and rococo style buildings , has been visited by millions of tourist each year . today , we will show you why people fall in love with paris by taking you to the world famous museum of louvre , arc de triomphe , champs elysees , place de la condorde , river seine , eiffel tower , notre dame cathedral , les invalides 參觀世界最大的博物館羅浮宮,宮內名畫雕塑琳瑯滿目,價值連城,午后市區游覽,沿途欣賞雄偉的凱旋門浪漫的香榭麗舍大道協和廣場秀麗的賽納河,游畢歌劇院艾菲爾鐵塔后,參觀著名的圣母院。

It consists of a church with a magnificent rococo interior of italian inspiration ; an outdoor stairway decorated with statues of the prophets ; and seven chapels illustrating the stations of the cross , in which the polychrome sculptures by aleijadinho are masterpieces of a highly original , moving , expressive form of baroque art 這個圣殿由多個部分組成,其中有一個采用意大利洛可可風格進行內部裝飾的教堂,教堂外的樓梯上刻有先知雕像,圣殿的另外一個部分是七座小教堂,在這些小教堂里展示有耶穌受難像,亞歷昂德里諾創作這些多彩雕像表現出非常新穎、生動和富有特色的巴洛克藝術風格。

Part two : dissertate the dissertation and evolution of modern catholic churches in chongqing . part three : a brief introduction to the building style of modern catholic churches in chongqing : gothic , romany , baroque , rococo , combination of chinese and western building styles 第三章:介紹重慶近代天主教堂的總體建筑風格:以哥特式和羅馬式為主,巴洛克式和洛可可式各有一例,另外還有中、西方建筑風格相結合的例子。

Miraculously preserved in the beautiful setting of an alpine valley , the church of wies ( 174554 ) , the work of architect dominikus zimmermann , is a masterpiece of bavarian rococo exuberant , colourful and joyful 維斯教堂(修建于1745年至1754年間)座落在風景秀美的阿爾卑斯山谷中,這是出自建筑師多米尼克斯?齊默爾曼的作品,是巴伐利亞人洛可可風格的優秀代表作,整個作品充滿了活力、歡快,色彩豐富。

Another possible explanation for rococo genetic systems is atavism , in which some biological mechanisms revert back to an ancestral state , although presumably with modification , in a new , derived genetic background 有關舊式遺傳學系統的另一個可能的解釋是隔代遺傳,在此過程中一些生物學機制恢復到一種原始生物才有的狀態,盡管該狀態可能會在一種新的衍生遺傳學背景下發生改變。

Most of the 400 objects in the show , on loan from the palace museum in beijing , date from the 18th century , when china , under the qing dynasty ( 1644 - 1911 ) , was in high rococo mode 這次由北京故宮租借展出的400件展品,大多源于18世紀,當時中國處于滿清朝代( 1644 - 1911 ) ,而這些物品大多是中期洛可可風格。

“ the late seventeenth and eighteenth century is the great period of camp : pope , congreve , walpole , but not swift ; . . . the rococo churches of munich ; pergolesi “十七世紀后半葉和十八世紀造作盛極一時,蒲柏、康格里夫、沃波爾、但沒有斯威夫特; … …慕尼黑的洛可可風格的教堂;帕爾格萊西。

The integrating manifestations of various main factors of style are : simplification and rococo , futurism and conservatism , realism and abstraction , dynamic state and static state 風格綜合表現為:簡約主義和裝飾主義;未來主義和復古主義;寫實主義和抽象主義;動態和靜態。

Little miss bo peep , dolled up in frilly , rococo - style attire , meets aggro bike chick with a serious case of spittoon deprivation . and gets her head knocked 日本娃娃look殺上銀幕第一擊! cult盡全場、俗艷與圣潔同在的深田恭子傳神演繹娃娃美學與哲學。

Of particular interest is the exquisitely decorated entrance porch that is flanked on either side by two neoclassical columns , adding to the baroque - rococo look of the building 日治期間,此建筑物為日軍所占用,樓內的家具及圖書館內的書籍全失。

Rococo art bushehr is the most prominent characteristics of the manifestation , he has been called “ to the woman using the pen rococo painter . 布歇是洛可可藝術特征最突出的體現者,他也被稱為“向婦人獻殷勤的洛可可畫家” 。

The million room in it , named after the cost of the decorations - 1 million guilders - is a rococo masterpiece 其中的百萬室,其命名來自于裝飾成本的花費? ?一百萬盾,是洛可可建筑風格的代表作。

Rococo style garden 洛可可式園林

Variations on a rococo theme , op 洛可可主題變奏曲,作品33

Discuss on origin of rococo ' s artistic style and impact on dress 洛可可藝術風格的淵源及對服飾的影響

Rococo styles shown in the east and west 洛可可風格在中西方服飾上的體現

Mrs . mead is looking for a chair in rococo style 米德夫人想買一個洛可可式的椅子。