
rocky adj.(-ier -iest)1.巖石的;巖石重疊的,...

rocky desert

The boys scrambled up the steep rocky hill 孩子們都爬上了陡峭多石的山峰。

Shut up , rocky , this is what ' s gonna get me on mtv 閉嘴洛奇這個可以讓我上音樂電視

- rocky , chill out . - there ' s younger people -洛奇真掃興-這兒有小孩兒馬蒂

The walkers were making slow progress up the rocky path 行人沿著巖石小道慢慢往上走

Rocky , chill out . - there ' s younger people 洛奇真掃興-這兒有小孩兒馬蒂

. . . and it ' s getting a little rocky again . . .然后我們的交流又開始變得困難了

The walker is making slow progress up the rocky path 行人沿著巖石小道慢慢往上走。

Things at home may be somewhat rocky 巨蟹座:本周巨蟹的家庭事務會有些困難。

Hannah ' s reign got off to a rocky start 報道說,奪冠后的漢納還鬧了小笑話。

Is a rocky planet essential for habitation 是否巖石行星是適合生物居住的基本要素?

Rocky : they can be ready for shipment in 2 - 3 weeks 可以在2 - 3周內準備好裝船。

It was a rocky ending for this mediterranean cruise 這次地中海之旅慘淡收場。

Hey , hey . this is rocky maris , sam ' s older brother 嘿我是洛奇?瑪麗斯薩姆的哥哥

The foaming waves chafe against the rocky shore 洶涌的波濤猛烈地沖擊著礁岸。

There is only one port along this rocky coast 在這多巖石的海岸線上只有一個海港。

Tall buildings perch on the top of rocky cliffs 高聳的建筑屹立在嶙峋的懸崖頂上。

- that ' s 20 . - all right , rocky , it ' s your turn -有二十個了-好了洛奇輪到你了

That ' s 20 . - all right , rocky , it ' s your turn 有二十個了-好了洛奇輪到你了

A group of black - faced spoonbills on a rocky islet 一群黑臉琵鷺停棲于巖石上。