uploads/rocking turn.jpg

rocking turn 【溜冰】搖轉〔從弧線外側扭轉身體用同側冰鞋刃滑回來〕。


On every peak of the yellow mountains there are numerous grotesque rock with such vivid names “ i mmortal pointing the way “ , “ magpie on a plum tree , “ eighteen arhats facing the south sea “ , “ goddess embroidering “ , immortal sunning his boot “ , squirrel skipping to celestial capital “ , “ golden cock crowing towards the heavenly gate “ , “ monkey gazing at the sea “ , “ boy worshiping buddha guanyin “ and “ rock flying from afar “ , etc , these fantastic rocks turn the yellow mountains into a museum of natural sculptures 黃山的怪石黃山的每一座山峰都擁有許多形象生動的風格,奇異的巖石,比如“仙人指路” “喜鵲登梅” “南海十八羅漢” “神仙曬靴” “松鼠跳天都” “金雞叫天門” “猴子觀海” “童子拜觀音”和“飛來石”等等。黃山怪石星羅棋布,簡直是天然雕刻的博物館。