
rocketry n.1.火箭學;火箭技術;火箭研究。2.火箭〔總稱〕。


Father of modern rocketry robert h . goddard ( october 5 , 1882 - august 10 , 1945 ) published a work entitled “ a method of reaching extreme altitudes “ which contained speculation on the possibilities of spaceflight 現代火箭學之父r ? h ?戈達德( 1882年10月5日? 1945年8月10日)于1919年出版了《到達極高空的方法》 ,書中探索了火箭登月的可能性。

Father of modern rocketry robert h . goddard published a work entitled “ a method of reaching extreme altitudes “ which contained speculation on the possibilities of spaceflight 1919年3月29日,現代火箭學之父r ? h ?戈達德出版了《到達極高空的方法》 ,書中探索了火箭登月的可能性。

American physicist who developed and launched the first successful liquid - fueled rocket ( 1926 ) and invented numerous rocketry devices 高德,羅伯特?哈欽斯: ( 1882 - 1945 )美國物理學家,他研究并成功發射了第一顆液體燃料火箭( 1926年) ,發明了許多火箭器械。

Visitors can select videodisc programmes which introduce the pioneers of modern rocketry their key discoveries and modern rocketry milestones 觀眾亦可從影碟節目中,回顧現代火箭技術的先驅,他們的重大發現和發展的里程碑。

This course contains labs , assignments , projects , and related resources dealing with aircraft and rocketry design concepts 本課程包括實驗、作業、項目設計和關于航天器和火箭設計概念的相關資料。

Story editor : he ' s a youngster of german origin who was studying under the father of modern rocketry ( hermann ) oberth 作者:他是德國血統的年輕人,跟著自己的父親學習現代火箭技術。

Rocketry ( that ed is studying ) will also play an important role 火箭技術(愛德正在學習的)將扮?一個重要的角色。