uploads/rocket ship.jpg

rocket ship 火箭宇宙飛船[太空船]。

rocket target

When the two objects are at zero velocity , the total energy of the system is zero , because while the rocket ship made of positive matter has gained positive kinetic energy , the ball of negative matter has gained an equal amount of negative kinetic energy 當兩個物體的速率都為零,整個系統的能量也為零,因為當正質量構成的火箭飛船獲得正動能時,由負質量構成的球體也獲得了等量的負動能。

“ we moved here a few months ago , abandoning our home and friends in washington , d . c . , to come learn about china “ by living , apparently , in a “ 59 - floor high - rise ? ? ” which resembles a rocket ship “ “我們幾個月前搬來這里,拋家棄友,為的是了解中國. . .住在59層的大樓里,式樣象火箭船” ,顯然用這個辦法,很方便了解那些同樣住在火箭船里的中國人。

The paradoxical result of a ball of negative matter chasing a rocket ship off into space at a constantly increasing speed is so bizarre that there must be some logical reason why negative matter cannot exist 負物質球體以恒定的速率追逐火箭飛船這一似是而非的結論是如此的奇異古怪,一定要有符合邏輯的理由說明為什么不存在負物質。

This undated handout photo received 20 august , 2004 shows the da vinci project ' s rocket ship prototype called wild fire , as it passes through the streets of toronto , canada 在這張8月20日發布的資料照片上,一輛平板車運載著名為“野火”的載人航天器原型從加拿大多倫多街頭經過。

His projects include a mahogany and birdseye maple coffee table , a cherry mirror , and a walk - in wooden rocket ship that he built for his children 他的“生產”計劃則包括一張用桃木和槭木作的咖啡桌、一面櫻桃木的鏡子,還有一只送給孩子們的可以坐人的木制火箭船。

You will learn much , intrepid explorer , for all chinese live in rocket ships 哦我說錯了,是住在白磚砌成的丑陋的怪物里面。

You want the rocket ship 想坐火箭船嗎?

Let ' s do the rocket ship 想造咱們就來造。

You know that rocket ship thing you do ? ben doesn ' t even like that 你知道火箭船吧?你兒子不喜歡你給每個孩子都坐。

Inside a giant rocket ship 更為壯觀的場景嗎?

You want to do the rocket ship 你不是想造火箭船嗎?

And watching daddy do rocket ship with everybody , but . . . 還有看著爸爸讓每個孩子都做火箭船。但是… …

They really like that rocket ship 他們真的很喜歡坐火箭船。

Everybody ' ll get the rocket ship . slow down , everybody 每個孩子都會有火箭船坐的。別急,大家別急。

And watching daddy do rocket ship with everybody , but 還有看著爸爸讓每個孩子都做火箭船。但是

Help me do the rocket ship . - trust me 幫我來開火箭船。 -相信我。

- help me do the rocket ship . - trust me -幫我來開火箭船。 -相信我。

Daddy . - what you want ? the rocket ship 爸爸。 -你想要什么?火箭船?