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rocket bomb 火箭(推動的)炸彈。

rocket jet

In order to improve the technology level of testing static parameter of rocket bomb and increase its hit ratio , this paper describes in detail the measuring system of the moment of inertia of rocket bomb , the designing principle and realizing method 為了提高我國航彈靜態參數測試的技術水平,增強航彈命中率,本文詳細論述了航彈極轉動慣量測量系統的設計原理及實現方法。

The $ 3 stamp illustrates the use of gunpowder , invented over 1000 years ago , in festivities and in battles - firecrackers for celebration against winged rocket bomb and assault barrow for attack 點綴升平,有爆竹煙火;迎戰克敵,有神火飛鴉和駕火戰車。背景文字記述配制火藥的方子。火藥發明至今已有1000多年。

The result is among the best ones in our country . and it provides reliable gist for analyzing the dynamic parameter of rocket bomb 結果表明,測量的相對誤差小于1 ,達到國內先進水平,為分析航彈動態參數,提供了可靠的依據。