
rocket n.火箭;火箭彈,火箭發動機;火箭式投射器;〔英俚〕斥責...

rocket base

The rocket climbs upward and onward, with an artificial satellite cradled in its nose cone . 隨帶裝在其前端錐形體內的一顆人造衛星,火箭一直向上,向前爬升。

The burning surface of the powder then increases, the pressure rises and the rocket may be blown up . 此時,無煙藥燃燒表面增加,壓力上升,火箭可能爆炸。

The air molecules making up the earth's atmosphere create friction and tend to slow a rocket . 組成地球大氣層的空氣分子會產生摩擦力,并會促使火箭減速。

Sounding rockets would be useless if they were unable to send information back to the earth . 高空探測火箭如果不能把資料送回地面,那就沒有什么用處了。

Unlike a rocket engine, the jet engine, as you know, is an “air breather“ . 正如你們所知道的,這種噴氣發動機與火箭發動機不同:它是“空氣噴氣發動機”。

The big satellite missiles make most of the headlines in the story of rocket development . 這類大型的衛星導彈成了火箭研制史上的大部分頭條新聞。

The rocket ship is divided into two parts, the payload part and the fuel-exhaust part . 把火箭飛行器分為兩部分:有效負載部分和燃料排出部分。

Highly developed control systems could guide these rockets with astounding accurancy . 高度發展的控制系統能夠以極高的精確度制導這些火箭。

An american, william hale, assembled a vastly improved rocket in 1846 . 一個叫威廉黑爾的美國人,在1846年組裝了一枚經過大大改進的火箭。

At 25, 000 miles per hour our rocket will escape from the earth's pull . 在每小時25,000英里的速度下,我們的火箭就會脫離地球的引力。

As the rocket gets farther into space, the earth's atmosphere is left behind . 隨著火箭越來越遠地進入空間,地球的大氣就被拋在后面。

Now, in addition to the rocket belt, there are experiments with a turbine belt . 現在,除了火箭背帶之外,還進行了渦輪機背帶的實驗。

The v-2 pushed the two-stage rocket to an altitude of 20 miles and then broke away . V2將第二級火箭推到20英里的高度,然后脫落。

Rockets were given the deadly job of carrying explosive charges great distances . 火箭承擔了遠距離運送爆炸物的殺人使命。

Did one of the solid rocket boosters somehow burn through its casing ? 是否是其中一個助推火箭的外殼因某種原因被燒穿?

In a short time interval, a mass dm of gas is ejected from the rocket . 在很短的時間內,由火箭噴射氣體的質量為dm

For this we developed two new devices, rockets and aerial mines . 因此,我們便發明了兩種新武器火箭和空中布雷。

The feed system of a rocket engine may be the cause of undesirable oscillations . 火箭供應系統可能是有害的振源。

Rockets and artificial satellites can go far above the ionosphere . 火箭和人造衛星能夠到達電離層以上極遠的地方。