
rockery n.假山;有假山的園林。


I recollected that i was stabbed just as i was trampling the ground to fill up the hole ; while doing so i had leaned against a laburnum ; behind me was an artificial rockery , intended to serve as a resting - place for persons walking in the garden ; in falling , my hand , relaxing its hold of the laburnum , felt the coldness of the stone 我一面踩,一面扶著一棵假烏木樹。我的身后有一塊供散步時休息用的假山石。在倒下去的時候,我的手松開了樹,曾碰到了那塊冰涼的石頭。

The spacious men s and women s bathing areas feature slate - tiled hot spring pools , set amid a charmingly designed chinese garden . bathers can treat their necks and shoulders to a soothing massage under the stream of water flowing from the rockery , or sit in the thatched pavilion among the cherry and maple trees , admiring the view of hills 廣大的大眾湯區里,溫泉池鋪著天然溫潤的石板,園中有假山流水可沖灌肩頸肌肉,茅草涼亭可欣賞山色,加上幾株櫻花和楓樹,藉中國庭園的造景設計,營造出一番異于日本溫泉的中國泡泉情趣來。

The leading businesses include sculpture of stainless steel , sculpture of glass fibre reinforced plastic , all kinds of figure or animal stone carving , relief sculpture , mural paintings , stonelamp , roman post , railing of bridge , mushroom stone , stone of upstairs , construction of rockery , fountain , level - dividing water project with all kinds of stone materials , and construction of all kinds of ancient architecture such as sideway pavilion , platform , building , pavilion , pavilion on a terrace , corridor , bridge and ancient boat 公司主要業務:不銹鋼雕塑玻璃鋼雕塑石雕石刻各種人物動物浮雕壁畫石燈羅馬柱橋欄蘑菇石臺階石各種石料的假山噴泉疊水工程的營建,亭臺樓閣榭廓橋舫各類古建筑的營造。景區公園廣場園林綠化的規劃設計施工。

Within the limited spaces they took up , their builders applied ingeniously various skills and means , such as contrast , mil , size alteration , structural gradation , juxtapose , scene - bonowing , representing rich contents in a small form and making the less excel the more , and combined halls , towers , pavilions and terraces with springs , rockeries , trees and flowers in imitation of natural landscapes , creatlng an ideal worldwith “ urban mounts and forests “ and “ natural beauty amid the bustle of city life . “ thereby , these gardens integrate harmoniously natural , architectural and cultural beauty , furnish people with comfortable living envlronments , represent a historical height in garden construction , and maintain irreplaceably a prominent position in the developmental history of chinese and even wor1d gardening 這四座園林占地面積不廣,但巧妙地運用了對比襯托尺度層次對景借景和小中見大以少勝多等種種造園藝術技巧和手法,將亭臺樓閣泉石花木組合在一起,模擬自然風光,創造了“城市山林” “居鬧市而近自然”的理想空間。在美化居住環境,融建筑美自然美人文美為一體等方面達到了歷史的高度,在中國乃至世界園林藝術發展史上具有不可替代的地位。

With the steps of reformation and opening up , having experienced rains and winds of over ten years , nowadays the company has become a comprehensive garden sculpture company integrating stone carving , stone inscription , sculpture of stainless steel , rockery , fountain , pavilion and green of corridor park 東磊園林雕塑工程有限公司,位于中國雕刻之鄉山東省莒南縣,公司始建于90年代初,伴隨著改革的步伐走過了十多年的風雨歷程,昔日小樹終成棟梁。如今已發展成集石雕石刻金屬不銹鋼雕塑假山噴泉涼亭長廓園林綠化為一體的綜合性園林雕塑公司。

The factory undertakes the composing of the following business mainly : white marbl carved stone crouches the lion , the sleeping white marbl carved stone lion leak from the lion , white marbl carved stone , white marbl kylin , white marbl mythical wild animal ( pixiu ) , white marbl dragon and phenix lamp pole , white marbl ornamental column , the cattle opening up virgin soil , white marbl figure of the buddha , the top of a pillar stone , white marbl fairy maiden , white marbl personage , white marbl carved stone elephant ( figure in stone ) , white marbl dolmen , white marbl shi ting , stone bridge , white marbl stele , white marbl check dragon post , white marbl balustrade , granite dysmorphism , stone strip , flat piece of stone , foundation stone , door block , jade article treating , emboss , ornamental column , dragon post , lettering , silica sand , white marbl woollen cloth , ancient times build gardens ( breast board , platform ming dynasty , artificial stone with textures cut with an axe , rockery design , flowerpot , eroded limestone , mechanism cobblestone , mushroom stone etc . ) , rockery fountain , nursery stock flowers and plants etc . paper of , saying that the stone table , stone bench , stone light , board carve characters on a seal , the column , vase post , window cover with , the door pocket , geomantic omen ball wait , and managing 本廠主要承做以下業務:漢白玉石雕蹲獅、漢白玉石雕走獅、漢白玉石雕臥獅、漢白玉麒麟、漢白玉貔貅(皮休) 、漢白玉龍鳳燈柱、漢白玉華表、拓荒牛、漢白玉佛像、柱頂石、漢白玉仙女、漢白玉人物、漢白玉石雕大象(石像) 、漢白玉石牌坊、漢白玉石亭、石橋、漢白玉石碑、漢白玉盤龍柱、漢白玉欄桿、花崗巖異形、石條、石板、漢白玉奠基石、門墩、玉器加工、浮雕、華表、龍柱、刻字、硅砂、漢白玉毛料、古建園林(欄板、臺明、剁斧石、板道、石桌、石凳、石燈、牌匾刻字、圓柱、花瓶柱、窗套、門套、風水球等,并經營假山石、花盆、太湖石、機制鵝卵石、蘑菇石等) 、假山噴泉、苗木花卉等。

As addenda , a tennis and fives court , a shrubbery , a glass summerhouse with tropical palms , equipped in the best botanical manner a rockery with waterspray , a beehive arranged on humane principles , oval flowerbeds in rectangular grassplots set with eccentric ellipses of scarlet and chrome tulips , blue scillas , crocuses , polyanthus , sweet william , sweat pea , lily of the valley bulbs obtainable from sir james w . mackey limited wholesale and retail seed and bulb merchant and nurseryman , agent for chemical manures , 23 sackville street , upper , an orchard , kitchen garden and vinery , protected against illegal trespassers by glasstopped mural enclosures , a lumbershed with padlock for various inventoried implements 可以增添一個網球兼手球場,一片灌木叢,用植物學上最佳辦法設置一座熱帶椰子科植物的玻璃涼亭,有噴泉裝置的假山石,按照人道的原則設計的蜂窩。在矩形的草坪上布置一座座橢圓形花壇,將深紅和淡黃兩色的郁金香藍色的天蒜報春花西櫻草美洲石竹香豌豆花和歐鈐蘭都栽培成別致的卵形球根購自詹姆斯w馬凱伊爵士247的股份有限公司,他是個種籽與球根批發兼零售商,苗木培養工,化學肥料代理商,住在上薩克維爾街二十三號。果樹園蔬菜園和葡萄園各一座。

The jockey club tak wah park is specially designed , with scattered rockeries constructed using rocks imported from the tai hu of mainland china . there are many green plants which create a tranquil , rural atmosphere in the centre of the town 經精心設計的賽馬會德華公園,四處均有由太湖石組成的石山,加上茂密的草木、參天的大樹、古屋及祠堂等古跡,令人恍如置身于寧靜的鄉郊。

There were too noisy in the classroom , too stuffy in the dormitory and among the trees , by the river , beside the rockery and on the lawn , it was full of friends and classmates , each of who had a book in hand and murmured 教室太吵,宿舍太悶,校園里的樹林中、小河邊、假山旁、芳草地上全是同學知已,一個個手捧書本,口中念念有詞。

The rockeries inside the park are all made of rocks from the famous tai hu . meticulously arranged with artificial cascades , the rockeries demonstrate grandeur with a special suzhou - hangzhou flavour 太湖石為水石巖的一種,經悉心陳設后,組成壯麗逼真的石山,加上人工流水,令游人仿如置身蘇杭。

The whole courtyard shows to tourists manyartifical exquisites such as call : graphy , drawing , couplet , acal engraving . rockery , statue , gardening , sculpture , fresco and pendant lamp 全院盡現書法繪畫楹聯篆刻假山塑像園林小景石刻磚雕壁畫掛燈等藝術精品供游人觀賞。

Small and delicate , cleverly laid out and pleasing to the eye , the streams , bridges , rockeries and pavilions of a private chinese garden reveal a natural beauty of their own 6南方私家花園中的溪、橋、山亭,小巧玲瓏,布局精明,盡顯其自然美,令人賞心悅目。

Small and delicate , cleverly laid out and pleasing to the eye , the streams , bridges , rockeries and pavilions of a private chinese garden reveal a natural beauty of their own 南方私家花園中的溪,橋、山、亭,小巧玲瓏,布局精美,盡顯自然美,令人賞心悅目。

Small and delicate , cleverly laid out and pleasing to eye , the streams , bridges , rockeries and pavilion of a private chinese garden reveal a natural beauty of their own 南方私家花園中的溪、橋、山、亭、小巧玲瓏,布局精明,盡顯其自然美,令人賞心悅目。

Kinds of tropical plants are grown here with fish swimming in the pool under the rockery , demonstrating a small world of ever - green 會所里面種著各種熱帶植物,假山下的水池里還養著魚,是一個四季常春的小世界。

The garden has smart and elegant surroundings of trees , flowers and rockeries which allow you to relax and enjoy the outdoor environment 庭院花園小巧別致,假山花草相映成趣,是沐浴陽光、放松心情的好地方。

Paintings on the long corridor depict a broad range of subject matter such as flowers , birds , trees , rockeries , landscapes and human figures 長廊彩畫彩畫題材十分廣泛,有花鳥樹石山水人物等。

The palatial halls , tranquil rooms , rockeries in strange shapes and a stream provide changing sights 園中殿堂富麗,斗室幽靜,怪石爭奇,小溪跌玉,游人置身園中,一步一景,其樂無窮。

I don ' t know anything about gardening , but i could do the donkey work for you if want to make a rockery 我對園藝一竅不通,但是你要建假山的話,我還是可以為你干些體力活的。