
rockefeller n.洛克菲勒〔姓氏〕。


Between th nineteen forties and sixties , the rockefeller foundations helped lauch the green revolution in latin america and asia 20世紀40年代至60年代,洛克菲勒基金會曾幫助拉丁美洲和亞洲開展綠色革命計劃。

The rockefeller foundation ' s bet on dwarf wheat and penicillin ensured that billions of people were fed and kept healthy 洛克菲勒基金會在矮生小麥(譯注3 )和青霉素上的投入給了上億人食品與健康的保障。

Between the nineteen forties and sixties , the rockefeller foundation helped launch the “ green revolution “ in latin america and asia 1960年間,洛克菲勒基金資助綠色革命在拉美以及亞洲的開展。

The gates and rockefeller foundations in the united states recently announced the ( they ) alliance for a green revolution in africa 美國蓋茨及洛克菲德基金會最近聲明與非洲的綠色革命聯盟。

Rockefeller ' s standard oil , a great combination created through both horizontal and vertical integration 南北戰爭后不久,洛克菲勒克利夫蘭建立了一個精煉油公司,并立即著手消除競爭者。

The gates and rockefeller foundations in the united states recently announced the alliance for a green revolution in africa 美國的蓋茨與洛克菲勒基金近期宣布就非洲綠色革命達成合作。

The gates and rockefeller foundations in the united states recently announced the alliance for a green revolution in africa 美國的蓋次和洛克非勒基金最近宣布援助非洲的綠色革命。

Rockefeller , who in his infancy had experienced great poverty , spent his adult life in a similar manner 洛克菲勒在童年時代經歷過極度的貧困,也以與此類似的方式度過他的成年。

Norman borlaug , known as the father of the green revolution was a rockefeller foundation scientist 被譽為綠色革命之父的諾爾曼?伯格是洛克菲勒基金會的一名科學家。

Norman borlaug known as the father of the green revolution was a rockefeller foundation scientist 以“綠色革命“之父聞名的諾曼是洛克裴勒基金組織的一名科學家

Norman borlaug , known as the father of the green revolution was a rockefeller foudation scientist 諾爾曼?波勒,作為綠色革命之父是一個洛克菲勒基金會的科學家

Norman borlaug , known as the father of the green revolution , was a rockefeller foundation scientist 舉世聞名的綠色革命之父,就是一位洛克菲勒基金的科學家。

Every christmas the giant tree in rockefeller center sparkles with thousands of lights 每個圣誕節,洛克菲勒中心的圣誕巨樹都會閃爍著幾千個燈泡。

But without support from the rockefeller foundation , it will never get off the ground 但是如果沒有洛克菲勒基金會的資助這個項目就永遠不可能開始

The rockefeller of the information age , in business and philanthropy alike 信息時代的洛克菲勒,無論是商業還是慈善都很相似。

Rockefeller univ usa 美國洛克菲勒大學

Associate professor , department of mol . cell biology , rockefeller university 美國紐約洛克斐勒大學分子細胞生物學助理教授

As well as meeting with our benefactors at the rockefeller foundation 還會和我們的資助人,洛克菲勒基金會進行一些會談

And just across the street will be the world - renowned rockefeller center 對面大街就是舉世聞名的洛克斐勒中心。