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rock slide 【地質學;地理學】巖滑,塌方。

rock snake

The new applications of survey are described in the fields of indicating underground advance , seeking out lossed ore deposit , discovering neotype deposit for detecting the gold deposit ; determining productive aquifer for looking for groundwater ; discovering fracturation zone controlling crop out of hot spring for developing the hot spring , and locating the position of ancient rock slide for prospecting the earth slide 摘要綜述了應用輕便測量技術在地礦及地下水尋找等方面的一些新應用,例如:在金礦勘探中指導坑道掘進,找到了被遺漏的礦體,發現了新的礦化類型;在地下水尋找中,確定了富水層位;在溫泉開發中,探明了控制溫泉出露的斷裂帶;在滑坡研究中,確定了古滑坡的具體位置。

Powerful hurricane mitch created a flood disaster and a mud - rock slides , from which many caused were seriously injuried and or died , with hundreds and thousands of people being left homeless in several countries in central america . the disaster in honduras and nicaragua was the most severe . many villages in honduras disappeared and the country s farmers suffered serious crop losses 烈颶風米契引發洪患及土石流,造成中美洲幾個國家死傷慘重,數十萬人無家可歸,宏都拉斯及尼加拉瓜災情最為嚴重,尤其宏都拉斯有許多村莊都已從地圖上消失,農作物也嚴重受損。

Five others , three americans and two tanzanians , were injured in the rock slide close to arrow glacier base camp on wednesday , said james wakibara , chief warden at mount kilimanjaro park 除這3人死亡之外,還有5人受傷。這不幸的事件發生在一個名為箭冰川探險隊的營地附近。

Installed in the water - world are several sets for water - sports , such as high - platform speed - changing slide , rocking slide , 45 sliding - board and massaging pond , etc 在水上時間里設有數組水上游樂項目,其中有高臺變速滑道、搖滾滑道、 45奔流沖浪滑板,還有按摩池等項目。

It was not too bright of them to build in an area where rock slides occur 他們在發生過石崩的地方造房子,這不是一個特別明智的決定。