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rock and roll 搖擺舞(曲)。

rock and rye

Second love : music , ranging from gospel to rock and roll . saw elton john perform in atlanta this winter 業余愛好:從福音音樂到搖滾樂都喜歡。在今年冬季觀看了艾爾頓?約翰在亞特蘭大的個人演唱會。

There are also new great wonders to be aware of , such as notre dame cathedral , hollywood , broadway , and rock and roll 同時萬家也會注意到新增添的奇跡,比如巴黎圣母院,好萊塢,百老匯和搖滾樂。

Their disgust for the american lifestyle was demonstrated in their 1982 bombing of a school bus full of rock and roll musicians 他們以在1982年炸毀了一輛載滿音樂家的校車作為其自身反美的證明。

A : but they shouldn ' t always play the music so loudly , rock and roll , you know , even in the middle of the night 但他們也不應該總把音樂聲音開的那么大,還是搖滾樂,甚至在半夜也這樣

Rock and roll music was first approved of by the us government because of its patriotic message during world war ii 第三步:讓學生討論每條陳述,判斷它們是對是錯并給出理由。

Most young people like modern dances , such as rock and roll , the twist , and especially the break dance 年輕人大都喜歡跳現代舞,比如搖擺舞、扭擺舞,尤其喜歡霹靂舞。

Cher says it is difficult to be a rock and roll singer and a busy movie actress at the same time 謝爾說,既要做搖滾樂歌手,又要做個忙碌的電影演員是很困難的。

Earth , wind and fire was one of the most successful rock and roll groups of the nineteen seventies “大地、風與火”是20世紀70年代最成功的搖擺樂隊之一。

But for many he was the first singer to bring rock and roll into the living room 但是,對許多人來說,他是第一位歌手把搖滾帶入起居室的人。

Ever since i joined the company two months ago business has already started to rock and roll 自從我進公司兩個月后,生意就開始有起色了。

Our rock and roll band features two drummers , two guitarists , and a singer 我們的搖滾樂團主要包括兩名鼓手、兩名吉他手及一名主唱。

Rock and roll man 搖滾樂,伙計

Learning to rock and roll 學著搖擺起來

Oh , god , rock and roll 喔,神啊,來了

Governor : ' i say , bring ' em in , strap ' em down and let ' s rock and roll . “ ' 州長: “我說,把他們帶進來,綁起來,然后開始爽吧

I dig rock and roll music 我欣賞搖滾樂。

Hey , kid , rock and roll 嘿,伙計,一起搖滾

Time to rock and roll , dude 開始行動的時刻了

Let ' s rock and roll . fuck 我們來大干一場干!