
rock n.1.巖,巖石,磐石,巖壁;卵石;〔常 pl.〕〔美口...

rock and roll

Limestone is rock composed of calcium carbonate . 石灰石是由碳酸鈣所構成的巖石。

She liked beam on the rocks . 她喜歡喝加小冰塊的比姆酒。

The ship was blown onto the rocks . 船被風刮到礁石上了。

The sedimentary rocks did not dome . 沉積巖沒有形成穹丘。

In the winter the snowballs are packed with rocks . 在冬天,雪球里嵌上了石塊。

Their clients were rock stars . 他們的主顧是些搖擺舞明星。

The small boat is rocking on the river . 小船在江面上晃蕩。

The brook bubbles over the rocks . 那條小溪汩汩地流過巖石。

Sequences of rock units are incompletely known . 巖石單元的層序了解得不完全。

The big tree rocked in the strong wind . 大樹在狂風中搖動。

The waves dashed against the rocks . 浪濤猛烈地沖擊著巖石。

The ship struck against the rocks and sank . 輪船觸礁沉沒。

They 're trying to blast away the face of the rock . 他們試圖炸開巖石的表面。

The wind whistled through the crevices in the rock . 風呼嘯著吹過巖石的縫隙。

Petrology is the science of the rocks . 巖石學是巖石的科學。

The escarpments are sustained by rock . 這些垅崗由巖石構成。

The great rocks rolled down the mountainside . 巨石滾下山腰。

The rock was caverned out to make a tunnel . 挖空巖石造隧道。

Is their marriage really on the rocks ? 他們的婚姻真要破裂嗎?