
rochelle n.羅謝爾〔姓氏,女子名〕。

rochelle salt

With all his faults she loved him still when he sang tell me , mary , how to woo thee or my love and cottage near rochelle and they had stewed cockles and lettuce with lazenby s salad dressing for supper and when he sang the moon hath raised with mr dignam that died suddenly and was buried , god have mercy on him , from a stroke . her mother s birthday that was and charley was home on his holidays and tom and mr dignam and mrs and patsy and freddy dignam and they were to have had a group taken 當他唱告訴我瑪麗,怎樣向你求愛27和“我的意中人及其茅舍在羅切爾附近28 ,一家人作為晚飯吃燉烏蛤和拌上拉曾拜的生菜調味料的萵苣,以及他和迪格納穆那位先生因患腦溢血突然逝世,已被埋葬了,天主對他發慈悲吧合唱月亮升起來了29的時候。

With more than 28 year ' s experience and constant expansion , the company is holding its course and continues to develop at two sites : 8000 m2 at la rochelle and 13000 m2 at aigrefeuille 具有28年以上穩步擴展的經驗,該廠持續開拓其業務,并且在兩個基地繼續發展:在拉羅舍爾和埃格佛伊分別擁有8000平方米和13000平方米的廠區。

New rochelle , n . y . - - june 23 , 2006 - - cars - collecting - adv25 - 2 - - a 1957 cadillac fleetwood owned by nick pagani at the ace repair shop in new rochelle , n . y . , in june 2006 尼克?帕格尼擁有的一臺1957卡迪萊克?弗利特伍德在紐約新羅徹爾的一流修理車間內。

New rochelle , n . y . - - june 23 , 2006 - - cars - collecting - adv25 - - nick pagani in a 1961 buick electra 225 at the ace auto repair shop in new rochelle , n . y . , in june 2006 尼克?帕格尼坐在1961別克?厄勒克特拉225高級轎車里在紐約新羅徹爾的一流修理車間內。

Meanwhile , julius and rochelle must deal with the unexpected romantic attention drew and tonya are getting 阿杰看罷這咭后為之震驚,又摸不著頭腦,最后決定要找出這位古怪傾慕者。

Rochelle : now , is that his first name , or his last name ? did you get any references 那,這是他的姓,還是他的名?有沒有介紹信什麼的

The college of new rochelle 新羅歇爾學院

Rochelle , layne and keala 羅謝爾蕾恩和凱拉

Then there ' s rochelle ballard 還有羅謝爾?巴拉德

Especially women like keala and rochelle and layne . . 尤其是凱拉、羅謝爾和蕾恩這樣的女人. .

Thanks to layne , rochelle and keala , it ' s official - - 感謝蕾恩、羅謝爾和凱拉,是正式的- -

Especially women like keala and rochelle and layne 尤其是凱拉羅謝爾和蕾恩這樣的女人

Thanks to layne , rochelle and keala , it ' s official - 感謝蕾恩羅謝爾和凱拉,是正式的-

Hey , rochelle . oh . putyour mama on the phone 嘿,羅切爾噢,讓你媽媽聽電話