
roc n.1.(阿拉伯、波斯傳說中的)大怪鳥。2.〔R-〕〔俚...


The issuance of roc visas in foreign passports is administered by the ministry of foreign affairs or roc overseas missions 外國護照簽證之核發,由外交部或駐外館處辦理。

Dfll admits only roc residents and overseas chinese students . international students who who plan to study in ntu may consult 至少一門第二類課程:貫時性斷代及專家課程

However , the expiry date of passports must be at least six months after the date of entry to the roc 持簽證證明函之旅客應于入國時至外交部駐機場辦事處換發入境簽證。

To broaden the view of the students in considering roc military build - up and preparedness issues in the volatile world 一面對世局變化能從宏觀角度考量建軍備問題。

Personnel dispatched by foreign governments to the roc on official duties and their dependants and entourage 二外國政府派遣來我國執行公務之人員及其眷屬、隨從。

The roc spreaded its wings and flyed by dint of wind , rose like a cyclone up to 90 , 000 miles “鯤鵬展開它的翅膀借助風力起飛,像旋風一樣上升直到九萬里的高度。 ”

Application of roc curve in the evaluation of laboratory tests for the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism 曲線評價甲狀腺功能相關指標對甲狀腺功能亢進癥的診斷性能

Should chinese translations be provided ? my taiwan roc passport has had residing overseas stamped on it 僑民返國就學者,就學期間是否應計算在臺居留時間

We look forward to it elites ' flying high in the hi - tech field just like rocs flying in the sky 我們期待著it精英們在高科技領域里大鵬展翅,直沖九霄。

Study of the sample size determination for diagnostic accuracy studies involving binormal roc parameter estimation 參數估計雙正態樣本量估計方法探討

Application of roc curve to evaluate the diagnosic value of brain natriuretic peptide in heart failure 曲線下面積估計的參數法與非參數法的應用研究

It also analyzes carriers ' liability under transshipment transport based on the roc maritime law 并依我國海商法規定,分析轉船聯運之運送人責任。

Diagnostic value of some biochemical criterions with pleural effusion through roc curve 以相對工作特征曲線比較幾種生化指標在胸腔積液診斷中的價值

Roc curve in evaluation of hematologic parameter for diagnosing thalassemia of gestation period 曲線評價血液學指標對孕期地中海貧血的診斷價值

Clinical diagnostic value of analyzing serum cystatin c using roc curve in patients with chronic renal failure 型尿鈉肽對心力衰竭的診斷價值

I have not previously applied for any academic schools in the roc as an overseas chinese student 本人在華并未以僑生身份申請其他大學校院。

Personnel dispatched to the roc by foreign governments and their dependants and entourage 二外國政府派駐我國之人員及其眷屬、隨從。

Roc navy academy 海軍軍官學校

Area under roc curves in evaluation and comparison of two correlated diagnostic tests 四種與冠心病相關指標聯合診斷冠心病價值評價