
roble n.【植物;植物學】(美國西南部的)櫟樹〔尤指加州白櫟 ...


Both miss farah robles and mr . eduardo coto , the other chairperson , liked master s teachings very much . after the interview , they both felt happy and full of the bliss . on inquiring more about master s teachings , everyone understood more clearly about the importance of keeping the five precepts and being vegetarian Farah robles小姐和另一位主持人eduardo coto先生很喜歡師父的教理,于訪問結束后,他們皆感覺到法喜充滿,進一步了解師父教理之后,大家也更清楚了解持五戒及吃素的重要。

Century series martin chambi , peru , the virgin of “ la candelaria “ series peru , the mexican healing plants series patricia lagarde , mexico , the argentina landscape series alejandro ares , argentina , the symbolic games series luis fernando robles , colombia 展覽包括二十世紀初的秘魯風情系列馬丁金比,秘魯黑圣母系列秘魯墨西哥草藥系列柏德莉西亞拉卡德,墨西哥阿根廷山水系列阿里安度亞雷斯,阿根廷象徵游戲系列路易斯費南度羅布斯,哥倫比亞。

After viewing master s video , they took it back to their group for other members to see . they also applied to learn the convenient method of meditation . incidentally , we contacted miss farah robles , the producer and chairperson of a morning television program broadcasted on channel eleven 有一些人來自于與外星人溝通的團體,看完了師父的錄影帶后,又將此影帶帶回播放他們團體的其他人看,同時也都報名修方便法。

Later , miss farah robles began a vegetarian diet and hoped that more programs featuring vegetarian cooking and their benefits would be produced in future 之后主持人farah小姐也開始學習吃素,并希望在以后的節目中,制作一些有關素食食譜及益處的節目。

So who are you , robles 那么你是誰,羅伯斯

Robles , fernando . this is liliana 羅伯斯費南多.這是莉莉

1982 alva myrdal sweden 1982 alfonso garca robles mexico 1982年阿方索加西亞羅貝莎墨西哥

The nobel peace prize : alfonso garca robles 諾貝爾和平獎-阿方索加西亞羅貝莎