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robin hood 羅賓漢〔英國中古傳說中的俠盜〕。sell Robin H...

robin snow

“ them be careful , ” warned robin . “ robin hood is a sneaky man . he has been known to play a few tricks “那么要小心, ”羅賓警告他, “羅賓漢是個狡猾的人。大家都知道他會耍一些小把戲。 ”

Anyone familiar with the legend of robin hood knows archery competitions date back at least to mediaeval times 熟悉羅賓漢傳奇故事的人們都知道,射箭比賽的歷史至少可以追溯到中世紀。

Maxi - cans have argued whether villa was the robin hood he claimed to be or just an ordinary hood 墨西哥人就維拉到底是他自己所聲稱的劫富濟貧的大俠不是只是一般的強盜而有過爭論。

“ that was an excellent shot , ” the sheriff said to the stranger . “ better than robin hood could have done , i believe “你射得很好。 ”郡長對陌生人說, “我相信羅賓漢做不到。 ”

“ join us , ” robin hood offered the tinker . “ you can sing ballads for us . i love to hear you sing “加入我們, ”羅賓漢向小爐匠提議, “你可以為我們唱民謠。我喜歡聽你唱歌。 ”

Mingming zhou xun is a 21st century martial arts princess and lady robin hood who steals for love 俠女明明周迅飾向來敢愛敢做,當遇上帥極浪子阿d吳彥祖飾即擦出火花。

He is thought of as a modern - day robin hood and soon built a group that he called al qaeda 他被推崇為現今的俠盜羅賓漢,很快就建立起一個他命名為《蓋達》的恐怖組織。

Robin hood i m sorry , i was just thinking of marian again . i can t helpit , i love her johnny 羅賓汗對不起,我只是又在想瑪利亞了。我實在是忍不住,小約翰,我愛她。

It should have been the culmination of an exciting second series of the bbc ' s re - vamped legend of robin hood 這應該算的上是bbc重拍的羅賓漢傳奇中劇情的高潮了。

Robin hood , an english archer and outlaw , stole from the rich to give to the poor 羅賓遜,一位英國的弓箭手兼逃犯,他被人從富人家偷走交給窮人家。

This fact makes any notion of a “ real “ or “ true “ robin hood largely redundant 這一事實告訴我們尋找“真實”或“真正”的羅賓漢是沒有什么意義的。

“ i ' m heading to the inn . ” said robin hood , “ do you care to join me for a drink “我要去小酒館。 ”羅賓漢說道, “你愿不愿和我一起喝一杯? ”

Robin hoods arrow 羅賓漢之箭

In fact , the robin hood stories have been different in every period of their history 其實關于羅賓漢的傳說在每個時期都有所不同。

Robin hood and his merry men hated the rich and loved and protected the poor 羅賓漢和他的同伴們痛恨闊人,熱愛并保護窮人。

“ i , indeed ! i am robin hood , as thy caitiff carcase soon shall know . 我乃羅賓漢是也,你這匹夫馬上就會知道我的厲害。 ”

Robin hoods arrow games 羅賓漢之箭小游戲

It ' s a folk song our father used to sing about a russian robin hood 我們的爸爸經常唱的一首民樂關于俄國羅賓漢的歌

Robin hood loves the forest 羅賓漢喜歡森林。