
roberta n.羅伯塔〔女子名〕。


For many people , christmas means traveling long distances to be with their families . peabo bryson and roberta flack sing about this holiday tradition 對很多人而言,圣誕節意味著長途跋涉也要家人共度節日。這里,就讓我們一起來分享彼伯?布萊森和羅伯特?弗萊克演唱的關于這一傳統節日的歌曲。

Coupling this with the singers spine - tingling vocal power , positively stirring live performances and expertise as a classically trained pianist , alicia keys could be this generations roberta flack 在臺上顯露一副老神在在大將之風, alicia keys老實說,自己在表演之前乃興奮多于緊張。

For many people , christmas means traveling long distances to be with their families . peabo bryson and roberta flack sing about this holiday tradition 對有些人來說,圣誕節就意味著要經過長途跋涉去和家人團聚。彼伯布萊森和蘿貝塔弗萊克演唱的就是講述這種節日傳統的一首歌曲。

For many people , christmas means traveling long distances to be with their families . peabo bryson and roberta flack sing about this holiday tradition 對于很多人來說,圣誕節就是意味著長途旅行來會見他們的家人。 peabobryson和robertaflack演唱了關于節日傳統的歌曲。

For many people , christmas means traveling long distances to be with their families . peabo bryson and roberta flack sing about this holiday tradition 對于許多人來說,圣誕節意味著作長距離的旅行去和家人團聚。 peabobryson和robertaflack合唱一首有關這個節日傳統。

For many people , christmas means traveling long distances to be with their families . peabo bryson and roberta flack sing about this holiday tradition 對很多人而言,圣誕節意味著長途跋涉趕回家和家人團聚。下面請聽彼伯?布萊森和羅伯特?弗萊克歌唱這一傳統習俗。

But roberta caploe , editor of the teen magazine tiger beat , says these performers and teen magazines are just giving kids what they want 而一家叫做tiger beat的少兒雜志社編輯羅伯特-卡普洛卻認為,這些女星和兒童雜志滿足了孩子們的真正需求。

Roberta : also , the production department doesn ' t know how the sales department is doing . tell me , vernon , how many computers did we sell last month 洛蓓塔:還有,生產部門也不知道行銷部做得如何。告訴我,唯儂,我們上個月賣了幾部計算機?

Roberta : i didn ' t ask you how many we built . i asked if you knew how many we sold . we sold 2 , 300 洛蓓塔:我不是問?制造了多少部,我是問?知不知道賣出了多少部。我們賣出了兩千三百部計算機。

At these meetings , i can give information to roberta , and she can pass it on 我可以把這些信息在會議中給洛蓓塔,她可以再傳下去。

The next one is on monday , september 24th by professor roberta klatzky 下一個是9月24日,星期一,羅伯塔.克萊茲基教授。

So , roberta , what do you like best about working here at wallmans 羅芭塔,你為何喜歡在《渥曼》工作?

- my god , roberta , what is it ? - lymphocytic leukemia 天哪,瑞佩,這是怎么回事?淋巴性白血病

My god , roberta , what is it ? - lymphocytic leukemia 天哪,瑞佩,這是怎么回事?淋巴性白血病

Roberta , we will discuss this in the caravan 羅伯塔,我們到我那里再討論這個

Roberta , are they going to give me a song or not 洛波塔,到底有沒有我唱歌的份?

The dark situation in connection with roberta seeming no more at moments than a dark cloud which shadowed the other dream . 關于羅伯塔方面陰暗的局面,只是偶然象一陣烏云掠過,遮住了另一個美夢。

At the same time roberta in her car forward was thinking that clyde had not appeared so very unfriendly to her . 就在同一時候,前面一節車廂里的羅伯塔正在想,克萊德對她似乎并不十分無情無義啊。

He is overjoyed at mixing in exclusive circles and tries to combine this with his clandestine romance with roberta . 他一面欣喜若狂地在時髦的社會交際圈子里鬼混,一面仍同洛蓓塔偷偷往來。