
robert n.1.羅伯特〔男子名,昵稱為 Bert, Bertie...


It was the same stew as the night before and robert jordan ate it hungrily . 燉肉還是跟昨晚的一樣,羅伯特喬丹狼吞虎咽地吃著。

Robert dug in right away when the hamburger was served since he felt hungry . 漢堡包一端出來,羅伯特馬上就開始吃,因為他餓了。

Robert was delighted to see me and equally pleased with my little gift . 羅伯特看到我很高興,同樣也對我的區區禮物感到滿意。

Damn you, i am not afraid. and who gave you leave to call me robert ? 該死的,我不怕。另外,你有什么權利叫我“羅伯特”呀?

Dr. martin luther king, jr, and robert kennedy were savagely assassinated . 馬丁路德金和羅伯特肯尼迪被野蠻地暗殺了。

The woman had motioned robert jordan over to her with a nod of her head . 那婦人點點頭,示意羅伯特喬丹到她身邊去。

Robert and slogger were still cutting coal when david reached them . 當大衛到達羅伯特和斯洛格跟前時,他們還在采煤。

“give me a rifle.“ robert jordan heard him say in a choky voice . “給我一支槍。”羅伯特喬丹聽見他有氣無力地說。

Robert leaned lightly on the lever and the rock groaned . 羅伯特把身子稍微傾斜一點壓在杠桿上,巖石發出軋軋的響聲。

Before orion could answer, thomas robert and i all chimed in . 未等奧利安回答,托馬斯羅伯特和我都插話表示贊同。

Robert jordan wondered if he could speak a straight sentence . 羅伯特喬丹不禁納悶,他會不會說一句干凈的話。

That's where you're always missing the boat, robert . 羅伯特,你看問題所以老是看不到點子上,關鍵也就在這里。

My friend , robert , lives in a country where snails are despised . 我的朋友羅伯特居住在一個厭惡蝸牛的國家。

He poured out his griefs in a long letter to robert owen . 他把他的苦衷傾吐在給羅伯特歐文的一封長信里。

She and robert left paris together and had a brief affair . 她曾和羅伯特一道離開巴黎去過了幾天風流生活。

“it didn't really say that,“ robert jordan doubted . “恐怕不是這樣說的吧,”羅伯特喬丹將信將疑地說。

The poet robert frost frequently told me about his first love . 詩人羅勃特弗洛斯特常對我講起他的初戀。

We presented him, under the borrowed name of robert holden . 我們用羅伯特霍爾登的假名把他介紹給大家。

Although conway and roberts were caught, they were acquitted . 康韋和羅伯茨雖然被抓,但是卻被宣告無罪。