
robe n.1.長袍,罩袍;晨衣,浴衣;〔商店用語〕長連衣裙。2...


And your hemp robe shines , in the contrast with the sky 穿著亞麻長袍,你與天際兩相輝映。

“ robe “ i ' ll need to say those words very often “袍子“我得經常念念這詞

- my dress robes . - well , they ' re all right -我的禮袍-嗯,它們還好吧!

Eating eggs by candlelight , in our robes . . 穿著睡袍,借著燭光吃雞蛋. .

Yukata bath robe like kimono called yukata 浴衣像和服式的浴衣稱為yukata

She is portrayed wearing her coronation robes 她穿著她的加冕長袍被描寫

Wearing the crown of thorns and the purpie robe 戴著荊棘冠冕,穿著紫袍。

Tore off my robe and he threw me on the bed 撕開我的睡衣,把我扔到床上。

You actually saw , once again , this black - robed figure 你又一次看到了那個黑袍的形象

Color : pale yellow robe , brilliant , with grey hues 顏色:淡黃色,亮麗,帶有些灰白色

He was john bull in a benedictine robe 他是身穿貝尼蒂克教派長袍的英國人。

Mo cuishle . did you see what was on her robe “莫庫什勒”你看到她袍子上的字了嗎?

This is a ceremonial robe given to me by chairman mao 這是毛主席給我的長袍

You in the robes . put down the weapon ofmass destruction 你們這些匪徒。放下生化武器

A voice , fear ; he trembles in his robes 一個令人敬畏的聲音響起;他在他的長袍中顫抖

She is portrayed wearing her coronation robes 給她畫的是她穿著加冕禮服的像

You should put a robe on if you go out in a cold day 冷天出門時要披上披肩。

Put your clothes in the bag , and put on the robe 把你的衣服放入袋子,穿上長袍。

Borrowed gear , borrowed robe . knock yourself out 借的衣服,借的袍子把自己打倒