
robbins n.羅賓斯〔姓氏〕。


In this series of articles , daniel robbins will show you how to use the very powerful but often forgotten unix stream editor , sed 在本文章系列中, daniel robbins將為您演示如何使用功能十分強大(但常被遺忘)的unix流編輯器sed 。

I ' ve done three fire walks myself , without chanting “ cool moss ” ( as robbins has his clients do ) or thinking positive thoughts 我自己曾走過三次木炭,但沒有像羅賓斯教導客戶做的那樣吟唱清涼苔蘚,也沒有正面思考。

Donald robbins , who is forty - two years old and works in an office , began jogging a few years ago because he felt he was too fat 唐納德?羅賓斯,四十二歲,在辦公室內上班,幾年前開始慢跑,因為他覺得他太胖了。

Daniel robbins answers these questions by showing you how to set up these new advanced filesystems under linux 2 . 4 Daniel robbins通過向您展示如何在linux 2 . 4上設置這些新的高級文件系統來回答這些問題。

According to self - help guru tony robbins , walking barefoot across 1 , 000 - degree red - hot coals “ is an experience in belief 根據自我激勵大師羅賓斯的說法,赤腳走過540高溫的火紅木炭是一種信仰經驗。

In this first article of a three - part series , daniel robbins will quickly get your awk programming skills up to speed 在本系列(共三篇文章)的第一篇文章中, danielrobbins將使您迅速掌握awk編程技巧。

A : yes , she ' ll be working closely with you on the marketing end of things . b : good . well , welcome aboard , ms , robbins 是這樣。她會在市場營銷方面與你密切合作的。 b :好啊,歡迎你的到來,羅賓斯女士。

Yes , she ' ll be working closely with you on the marketing end of things . b : good . well , welcome aboard , ms , robbins 是這樣。她會在市場營銷方面與你密切合作的。 b :好啊,歡迎你的到來,羅賓斯女士。

Robbins gives a performance that evolves with beautiful clarity from starchy banker to warm and loving friend 羅賓斯精彩的表演美好且清晰地表現了冷酷的銀行家孵化為一個和藹可愛的朋友。

Residing in albuquerque , new mexico , daniel robbins is the president ceo of gentoo technologies , inc . , the creator of Daniel robbins住在美國新墨西哥州的阿爾布開克albuquerque 。

Within two years of the publication of robbins book , nearly ten new vegetarian societies were formed in texas 此后兩年,只是在德州,就有將近十個民間素食團體相繼成立。

A : you have an unusual accent , mr . robbins . where are you from originally ? if you don ' t mind me asking 哪的口音a :你的口音很特別,羅賓斯女士。是哪里人?不介意我問吧?

You have an unusual accent , mr . robbins . where are you from originally ? if you don ' t mind me asking 哪的口音a :你的口音很特別,羅賓斯女士。是哪里人?不介意我問吧?

In this conclusion of the sed series , daniel robbins gives you a true taste of the power of sed 在這篇sed系列的總結性文章中, daniel robbins帶您體驗sed的真正力量。

A : you have an unusual accent , ms . robbins . where are you from originally ? if you don ' t mind me asking 你的口音挺特別的,羅賓斯女士。你是哪兒人啊?不介意我問吧?

You have an unusual accent , ms . robbins . where are you from originally ? if you don ' t mind me asking 你的口音挺特別的,羅賓斯女士。你是哪兒人啊?不介意我問吧?

In this series , daniel robbins shares his experiences as he redesigns the 在本系列中, danielrobbins共享了它在使用諸如xml 、 xslt和python之類的技術重新設計

Robbins , m . , “ innovative maintenance procedures for transit buses , “ tcrp report , 1996 “創新的公交汽車維護程序” , 《交通運輸合作研究項目報告》 , 1996 。

Robbins , m . , “ innovative maintenance procedures for transit buses , “ tcrp report , 1996 “創新的公車營運維護程序“ , 《交通運輸合作研究專案報告》 , 1996 。