
robbery n.搶奪,劫奪;【法律】強盜[盜劫]罪。 dayligh...


Woman on walkie - talkie all units , robbery in progress 所有人員注意,發生一起搶劫

Difference between crime of robbery and crime of extortion 強迫交易罪司法問題研究

Research on the crime of transformed robbery ' s forms 論轉化型搶劫罪的犯罪形態

I was up on this robbery bit with a public defender 我靠這個公共律師來爭取一點

You could have just squealed about the robbery 你一定也把那擔搶劫案給捅出來了。

Washburn . you took a cab to a bank robbery 沃實本,你叫了輛出租去追銀行劫犯?

The witness ' s statement involves you in the robbery 證人的證詞表明你與劫案有涉

After the robbery the police immediately gave chase 劫案發生后警方立即跟蹤追擊

After the robbery the police immediately gave chase 劫案發生警方立即跟蹤追擊

The young man was charged with robbery with violence 這個年輕人被控暴力搶劫。

The gang were / was planning a robbery of a bank 這伙歹徒正在計劃搶劫一家銀行。

We set up two robberies . just stay with me . - huh 我們安排兩起搶劫,好好聽我說

He was suspected of implication in several robberies 他被懷疑涉嫌幾樁盜竊案。

On several issues of the crime of transformed robbery 論轉化型搶劫罪的幾個問題

You were convicted of armed robbery , yes or no 你在1989年被判有持槍搶劫罪是或否

B : yes , because he has got a conviction of robbery 是啊,因為他的搶劫罪名成立。

Robbery at the school , cat burglar gets clear away 學校發生竊案,飛賊逃之夭夭。

Both robberies were on the same garbage man ' s route 兩次搶劫是同一名工人的路線

That is a marvel . if the robbery had happened in my country , the police would have arrived in ten minutes at the earliest . 那是個奇跡,如果這搶劫發生在我們國家,警方最早也得在十分鐘趕到。