
robber n.盜賊,強盜。

robber baron

The two robbers jumped he van and quickly 那兩個搶劫犯跳出貨車,很快逃跑了。

Angel ! people , there ' s robbers in the house 安吉爾!快來人啊,有人在房子里搶劫!

The bank clerk made no resistance to the robber 那銀行職員沒有向強盜作抵抗。

Let me try to divine ) where the robber should go 讓我試著占卜)強盜應該哪里去

When you going to start the gang and turn robbers ? 你打算什么時候結伙當強盜? ”

The robber is lying in wait for the rich traveler 強盜埋伏著等待有錢的旅客。

“ this ought to be a lesson to grave robbers ! “這對盜墓者來說該是個教訓! ”

The money stays on the train , but so does a robber 錢在火車上,搶劫犯也躲在里面

That ' s the new ) reserved seat for the ) robber 那是新人)沉默寡言的位子為那)強盜

His fist sent the robber sprawling on the ground 他一拳把那搶劫犯打得四腳朝天。

The sinister and vicious robbers kidnapped the professor 歹毒的強盜綁架了教授。

The robber took the money from the old man by force 強盜用暴力奪走了老人的錢

“ they are robbers , perhaps , “ he muttered “他們或許是強盜! ”他自言自語地說。

The robber drew the truth from the timid boy 搶劫者從恐懼的孩子嘴里得到真情。

The robbers lashed the bank manager to a chair 搶劫的人把銀行經理綁在椅子上。

“ so would i . but robbers don t do that way “我也會的。但是,強盜們不這樣干。

The robbers were forced to disgorge their plunder 強盜們被迫吐出他們的搶奪物。

Robber : take off your dress . i want that , too 強盜:脫掉你的洋裝。我也要那件。

The robber stabbed the young man in the belly 這個強盜刺傷了這令青年人的腹部。