
rob n.羅布〔男子名,Robert 的昵稱〕。


It ' s just i couldn ' t be late to see rob 之所以那樣只是因為我要見羅布我不想遲到

I remember . - ray robbed me of being with her -我還記得-是雷讓我在她將死的時候

Evidently a black guy robbed a store in newark 顯然有個黑人搶了紐渥克的一家店鋪

Nobody can rob me of my right to work and speak 誰也不能剝奪我工作說話的權利

It is reported that this bank was robbed yesterday 據報道這個銀行昨天被打劫。

News - when a man bite a dog or rob a hotel 新聞? ?當有人咬狗、或者打劫酒店之時。

Well , thanks for saving him . coming , captain rob 謝謝你救了他,來了,羅伯警官

- tie him up , rob him , we ' re out . - here -把他綁起來,搶了他,然后我們跑路-來了

Rob you ' re overreacting . - isn ' t it convenient -你反應過度了-是不是很方便?

( rob ) hey , guys , guys , bring it in , bring it in 嘿伙計們,伙計們,上場了上場了

“ well , it just does , tom . and who ll we rob ? “嗯,是挺響的,湯姆,搶誰呢? ”

They particularly proposed robbing a watchmaker of three gold watches, which they had eyed in the daytime, and found the place where he laid them . 他們說要去一個鐘表匠那里偷三只金表,他們在白天瞧過了,發現了他把表放在什么地方。

If all the snow fell at once in one shattering crash, awakening us in the middle of the night the event would be robbed of its wonder . 如果所有的雪一下子稀里嘩啦地傾瀉下來,在午夜就把我們驚醒,那這件大事就不會有令人驚奇之感了。

Blum's store was small and blum was alone, but bigger could not think of robbing him without being flanked by his three pals . 布魯姆的鋪子很小,布魯姆只有一個人,但別格如果沒有他三個哥兒們的支持,也不敢起搶劫他的念頭。

Our old enemies, whom we once chased on sea and land, do now range at pleasure, robbing and slaughtering and burning . 過去被我們從海陸兩路追擊的舊敵,現在又到處搶掠,殺人放火,為所欲為了。

You have robbed me of the glory of youth, of the convictions of the virtue, of the sanctifying thirst after wisdom . 你剝奪了我光輝的青春,摧毀了我對道德的信念,我對智慧的純潔的向往!

They rob and steal, and even threaten to overrun the whole country and turn me and the royal household out . 他們又是搶,又是偷,甚至揚言要蹂躪全國,還要把我和全體皇族趕走。

He wanted to fight the masters who starved their apprentices, and to fight the landlords who robbed his parents . 他要同那些不讓學徒吃飽的師傅打仗,同剝削他父母的地主打仗。

There was nothing unusual about this affair of the blinds, for ruston and misery robbed everybody . 像百葉窗之類的事件是經常發生的,因為拉什頓和瘟神對所有人都要掠奪。