
roast vt.1.(在火上)烤,炙,燒(肉);烘;(用文火)焙;...


. . . for a roast - beef dinner and a tangee lipstick 來換取一頓美味的烤牛肉和一支唇膏

That ' s keeping us from roasting to death in this ship 使我們不被烤死在船里

The roast duck from quan ju de is quite famous (例)全聚德的烤鴨相當有名。

I guess she wiii be a barbeque or a roast chicken 我猜她肯定會成為燒烤或者是烤雞

A roast turkey is a feature of thanksgiving dinner 烤火雞是感恩節晚餐的特色之一。

The cooling system that s keeping us from roasting 那是用來避免我們被烤焦的

No , hold it a second , switch that to roast chicken 不,等一等,把那個換成烤子雞。

B you should try the roast duck . it ' s delicious 你應該試試烤鴨。這道菜非常好吃。

Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad 在外吃烤肉不如在家啃面包

Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad 家有干面包,勝似他鄉吃叉燒。

High - temperature roasting optical bacteria introduction 高溫細菌烤光光游戲攻略

There is my treasure . roast chicken . yummy 原來我的寶藏在那里,烤雞,太美味了。

If you like spicy food , we can have roast chicken 如果你想吃辣的我們就去吃烤雞

We have steak , roast chicken and vegetables today 我們今天供應牛排,烤雞和蔬菜。

The butcher gave us overweight on this roast 那屠夫在這塊烤肉上給我們比較大塊。

You can stay here and enjoy the wonderful roast beef 你可以留下來享受美味的牛肉

The signature dish here is the roasted pig ' s knuckle 這里的招牌菜是烤豬腳。

You should try the roast duck . it ' s delicious 你應該試試烤鴨。這道菜非常好吃。

Workers must first dry and then roast the beans 工人們必須首先弄干再烘烤豆子。