
roar vi.1.(猛獸尤指獅子)吼,咆哮;(海、風等)呼嘯,怒...


I stood, transfixed, unable to see, my body quivering with the roar . 我站著,呆若木雞,眼前一片模糊,身體隨著轟鳴聲而顫動著。

The quaint persian city has been engulfed by a roaring metropolis . 那富有奇趣的波斯城市已經被一座喧囂的大都會所吞沒。

His songs, jokes, and fun kept the warren in a roar . 他的歌聲,他的笑料,以及他那詼諧的談吐,使沃倫農莊變得生氣勃勃。

Lions roar . 獅子吼叫。

The lion roared . 獅子吼了。

The beasts snarled at this impostor, and backed away, roaring . 野獸們對著這個冒充的人咆哮起來,怒吼著后退。

He roared at the man: “water! you'll get no water from me! “ 他對那個人吼道:“水,你別想從我這里要到水!”

They dashed for the door in a roar in spite of the teacher's warning . 他們不顧教師的警告,哄笑著沖向門口。

“there cheers for the moon!“ roared the gun club with one voice . “烏拉,月亮!”整個大炮俱樂部同聲高叫。

The crown prince roared with laughter and brought out a bottle of champagne . 皇儲哈哈大笑,取出一瓶香檳。

The ocean seethed over the island with a roar as of many voices . 驚濤駭浪齊聲吶喊著、咆哮著,震撼著小島。

“get outyou!“ roared annixter in a tempest of wrath . “你給我滾!”安尼克斯特勃然大怒,一聲吆喝。

Epstein roared . 愛潑斯坦狂笑起來。

The crowd mingled defiance and anguish in an animal roar . 群眾立即響起了一片充滿蔑視和憤恨的吼聲。

This extraordinary assertion was greeted with a roar of merriment . 這個奇怪的論斷引起了歡聲大笑。

There was a roar that seemed to make the pavement heave . 這時一聲轟隆,仿佛要把人行道掀起來似的。

The driver pressed on the accelerator , savagely roaring the engine . 司機踩下油門踏板,引擎轟鳴。

Do n't roar at me . 不要對我大吼大叫。

The powerful car roared up into the chill dead square . 車子開足馬力沖上市中心死沉沉陰森森的廣場。