
roan adj.,n.灰斑[白斑]栗色皮毛的(馬);花毛的(馬或...


Ennis knew the salty words to “ strawberry roan . “ jack tried a carl perkins song , bawling “ what i say - ay - ay , “ but he favored a sad hymn , “ water - walking jesus , “ learned from his mother who believed in the pentecost , that he sang at dirgeslowness , setting off 引起 f distant coyote yips 埃尼斯能唱幾句《草莓雜色馬》 ,杰克則唱了卡爾-帕金斯的歌《我所說的》 ,他但更喜歡一些憂傷的歌曲,比如《飄行與水上的基督》 ,這歌是他從篤信圣靈降臨教派的母親那里學的,他如唱挽歌般緩緩地唱著歌,引來遠處狼嚎陣陣。

Then they put rostov in a sledge and escorted him as far as the first posting - station on his way . for the first half of the journey , from krementchug to kiev , all rostovs thoughtsas is apt to be the case with travellersturned to what he had left behindto his squadron . but after being jolted over the first half of the journey , he had begun to forget his three roans and his quartermaster , dozhoyveyky , and was beginning to wonder uneasily what he should find on reaching otradnoe 如同常有的情形那樣,從克列緬丘格到基輔的道路已經走了一半,羅斯托夫的思想仍舊停留在后頭,停留在騎兵連隊中,但是走了一半以上的路程之后,他忘了那三匹黑鬃黃褐色的烈馬,忘了他的騎兵司務長,忘了叫做博爾若佐夫斯卡婭的小姐,他開始不安地問他自己,在奧特拉德諾耶將會發現什么,怎樣去發現它。

You must know i felt so interested in the splendid roan horse , with his elegant little rider , so tastefully dressed in a pink satin jacket and cap , that i could not help praying for their success with as much earnestness as though the half of my fortune were at stake ; and when i saw them outstrip all the others , and come to the winning - post in such gallant style , i actually clapped my hands with joy 你們一定知道,我很關心那匹漂亮的的棗騮馬和那個別有風味地穿著一件粉紅色綢短衫,戴粉紅色軟緞便帽的風流的小騎師,我當時禁不住熱切地祈禱他們能獲勝,就象是我有一半家產押在他們身上似的,當看到他們超過了所有其他的馬,以那樣漂亮的姿態向終點跑來的時候,我興奮得拍起手來。

When he had received all his orders , alpatitch put on his white beaver hat a gift from the prince and carrying a stick in his hand , like the prince , went out , accompanied by all his household , to get into the leather gig harnessed to three sleek , roan horses 阿爾帕特奇接到指示后,就戴上白絨毛帽子公爵的禮物,像公爵似的拿著手杖,由家里的人伴送,一出門就坐上了駕三匹肥壯的毛色黃褐而黑鬃的馬拉的皮篷馬車。

The fact was , nobody had observed a horse entered by the name of vampa , or that of a jockey styled job , when , at the last moment , a splendid roan , mounted by a jockey about as big as your fist , presented themselves at the starting - post 誰也沒注意到參賽的馬中有一匹名叫萬帕的馬和一個名叫賈布的騎師。突然地,出發地點來了一匹棗騮馬和一個象你的拳頭差不多大的騎師。

He , too , thought fit to ask leave of absence on account of urgent domestic and family affairs . berg drove up to his father - in - laws house in his spruce chaise , with his pair of sleek roans , precisely similar to those of a certain prince 貝格乘坐自己漂亮的四輪馬車,由兩匹喂飽了的黃驃馬像某一位公爵的馬一樣拉著,駛到他岳父的府上。

The eyes are orange , while individual hippogriff colours vary as those of mundane horses do , including black , bronze , chestnut , grey , and roan 眼睛是桔黃色的,毛色和普通的馬一樣,有黑色,褐色,栗色,灰色,以及雜色的。

They grasped and held the man , while robin him ? self went off and led in the roan war hores on which guy had ridden 他們緊押著他,而羅賓自個走開,牽著蓋剛才騎來斑駁的戰馬進去。

He set the roan at the jump for the third time, hitting him over the head with his crop . 他第三次策動菊花紅棕馬騰越,用獵鞭抽馬頭。

He had just bought a roan for a song . 他剛剛買到一匹菊花紅棕馬,價錢極便宜。