
roadwork 【運】越野長跑訓練。


The high court notes that the works are quite capable , at this relatively early stage , of being physically scaled back or removed without incurring an absurd expenditure of public funds ; and that if the works were stopped now , substantial delay and costs would be incurred in proceeding with the cwb , a roadwork that is needed in the greater public interest 法院注意到工程尚在早期階段,日后可以削減或還原,而不會動用大量公帑若現在停工,反會令符合廣泛公眾利益的中環灣仔繞道工程會大為受阻,同時政府亦須向承建商賠償大量金錢。

At about 11 . 30 am today ( october 4 ) , a private car driven by a 35 - year - old man was travelling along the sound bound carriageway of canal road flyover . it crashed to a roadwork and the embankment when it reached the entrance of the aberdeen tunnel . after the impact , the 35 - year - old driver and five passengers , comprising a five - year - old girl , two men and two women aged between 18 and 49 , were injured 今日(十月四日)上午約十一時三十分,一名三十五歲男子駕駛私家車沿堅拿道天橋南行,駛至香港仔隧道入口時,突然沖向一個道路工程及石? ,結果導致三十五歲男司機及五名乘客受傷,包括一名五歲女童及年齡十八至四十九歲的兩男兩女,六名傷者全被送往律敦治醫院治理。

Shortly before 2 . 30 pm , a medium goods vehicle ( mgv ) was travelling along castle peak road towards tuen mun . when reaching near sea crest villa phase four , two wheels on the left of the mgv suddenly loosened . one of the loosen wheels reportedly hit three men who were working at a roadwork on the roadside 下午二時三十分,一輛中型貨車沿青山公路行駛,當駛至浪翠園第四期附近時,中型貨車左邊的兩個車輛突然松脫,據報其中一個車輪撞倒三名正在路旁進行修路工程的男子。

At about 4 am , the first lane and second lane of lantau link before the toll plaza were closed for roadwork . a private car driven by a 42 - year - old man was travelling along lantau link towards the airport and reportedly rammed the rear part of a truck parking on the first lane before the toll plaza to direct traffic 早上約四時,青嶼干線近收費亭前的第一及第二行車線正進行重鋪路面工程,一輛由一名四十二歲男子駕駛的私家車沿青嶼干線行駛,該輛私家車到達收費亭前據報撞向一輛停泊在第一線指揮交通的工程車。

Shortly before 3 am , a private car with two men and two women on board was travelling along kwai chung road towards tsuen wan . it reportedly rammed against a roadwork maintenance vehicle , which was travelling ahead at the same carriageway near mei foo sun tsuen 意外發生在今晨三時左右,一輛沿葵涌道向荃灣方向行駛的私家車在駛至美孚新?附近時據報與前面一輛道路維修工程車發生相撞。

At about 3 am today , a motorcycle driven by the 25 - year - old man was travelling along fanling highway heading for the new territories . it reportedly failed to stop in time and rammed against a roadwork vehicle ahead near wo hop shek 今晨約三時,該名二十五歲男子駕駛電單車沿粉嶺公路前往新界,當駛至和合石附近時懷疑收掣不及,撞向前面一輛工程車。

While men are carrying out roadwork and there is a danger to employees or restricted traffic flow , watchers must be in attendance and warning signs and danger flags must be displayed 在進行道路施工時,在對于雇員存在危險或限制交通的地點,必須有人看守,而且必須設置警示標志和危險旗。

All lanes of the new territories bound carriageway of tate s cairn highway near shek mun roundabout are closed due to an emergency roadwork to be carried out there 由于要進行緊急道路工程,大老山公路近石門回旋處前往新界方向的所有路線將會封閉。

While negotiating a right bend near yuen long highway , the private car reportedly lost control and rammed the barrier of the roadwork on the left 私家車駛至元朗公路附近轉右彎時,據報失控撞向左邊修路工程的石躉。

It was enough to make joe step up his roadwork from three to five miles every morning . 這足以使喬把每天早晨的長跑訓練從3英里增加到5英里。