
roadster 1.早期無后座的敞篷汽車;跑車。2.可以走長途的車馬[自...


He had sometimes propelled her on warm summer evenings , an infirm widow of independent , if limited means , in her convalescent bathchair with slow revolutions of its wheels as far as the corner of the north circular road opposite mr gavin low s place of business where she had remained for a certain time scanning through his onelensed binocular fieldglasses unrecognisable citizens on tramcars , roadster bicycles , equipped with inflated pneumatic tyres , hackney carriages , tandems , private and hired landaus , dogcarts , ponytraps and brakes passing from the city to the phoenix park and vice versa 有時在溫暖的夏日傍晚,布盧姆把這位多少擁有一些資產足以自立的病孀扶到康復期患者坐的輪椅上,慢慢地將她推到北環路拐角處加文洛68先生的牲畜交易場所對面。她在那兒逗留上半晌,隔著他那架單鏡頭雙筒望遠鏡眺望那些難以辨認的市民們:他們搭乘電車氣胎打得鼓鼓的自行車出租馬車雙駕馬車自家用或租來的四輪馬車單馬拉的雙輪馬車輕便小馬車和大型四輪游覽馬車,在市區與鳳凰公園之間穿梭著。

A great variety of vehicles are available , from luxurious european and japanese sedans to station wagons , multi - purpose vans and roadsters , all are ready for your selection . we also provide comprehensive value - added services , giving you the ultimate convenience in motor leasing and driving enjoyment 多款歐日優質私家車客貨兩用車,以至多用途8人車及四驅車一應俱全,并擁有完善配套服務,讓你輕松悠然,盡享租車駕駛樂趣。

Mini car could run in this yard in weekends . beijing ' s circumstance isn ' t fit for roadster , but just excellent right now in this yard . it couldn ' t be fine in hot summer . that car was bought 4 years ago , has run 6000 kilometers 小車實際上就是周未的時候在這個院里溜達溜達,北京這個氣候也不太適合敞蓬,就是在這個院里這個季節開正適合,要是夏天太熱也不適合,那個車買了四年,才跑了六千公里。

The world ' s most successful premium roadster in its class features a new design with the emphasis firmly on sportiness and effortless assurance 這個世界上最成功的跑車延續了它的經典風格,并且在確保舒適的內部裝備與出眾的運動性能上融入了新的設計。

Nanjing automobile corporation uk has appointed its first dealerrepresentatives to handle sales of its reborn mgf roadster model 南京汽車集團英國公司已經制定了第一批銷售代理商以便銷售其恢復生產的mgf敞篷車型。

Most modern convertibles and roadsters have soft - tops made of a canvas or vinyl 大部分現代褶蓬汽車和敞棚小客車的頂部都是由帆布或聚氯乙烯制作而成的柔軟頂部。

Roadster body , sports car body 活頂跑車車身

No , listen . i had a mate who bought a riley roadster before the war 不是,你瞧,我有個哥們戰前他買了一輛瑞利跑車

Analysis of mostly measure to raise installation precision of roadster railway 淺析提高跑車軌道安裝精度的主要措施

Reasons and preventive measures of roadster accident in inclined alley conveyance 斜巷運輸跑車事故原因分析和預防

Newly peugeot 406 roadster come into the market 新款標致406跑車上市

Application of safeguard device of zpf - 1 automatic roadster 1型自動跑車防護裝置的應用

Be an ultimate motorbike roadster today 今天,讓我們做一個優秀的摩托車手吧!

Dunk was pinned in front while the roadster leaped ahead . 汽車頂住鄧肯之后繼續向前沖去。