
roadside 路旁(的),路邊(的)(樹木等)。


Air pollution level roadside 路邊空氣污染指數

Ecological restoration of roadside slopes by bioengineering techniques 以生物工程技術進行路旁斜坡的生態修復工程

Many are living in school buildings or in makeshift roadside shelters 很多人住在學校里或者路邊臨時的棚子下。

For better roadside air quality 為使路邊空氣清新些

Clearance of roadside traffic 清理沿線各站貨運辦法

The cuts in emissions have brought improvements to roadside air quality 局長:除了監控以外,也要加裝設備。

Roadside air pollution index 路邊監測站空氣污染指數

Many are living in school buildings or in makeshift roadside shelters 許多人住在學校或臨時的路邊避難處里。

Many are living in school buildings or in makeshift roadside shelters 很多人住在校舍或路邊的臨時庇護所中。

Roadside gullies are normally cleared manually once every two weeks 路邊的溝渠一般每兩星期以人手清理一次。

People chatted and sipped coffee at small roadside cafes 人們聊天或是在路旁的咖啡攤檔慢慢悠閑地品嘗咖啡。

The reproached coach unloaded the loaves to the approachable roadside 遭到責備的教練把面包卸到可接近的路旁

Many are living in school buildings or in makeshift roadside shelters 很多人住在學校或者臨時路邊避難所。

A hoard heaped by the roadside : plundered and passing on 堆積在路旁的財寶:一旦遭到掠奪,就落入人家手里。

An uncontrolled race car slammed its way into the roadside onlookers 一輛失控的賽車撞向路邊旁觀的人群。

Application form for display of roadside non - commercial publicity materials 路旁展示非商業宣傳品申請表格

Roadside non - commercial publicity materials being vandalized or stolen 路旁的非商業宣傳品被人毀壞或盜去

We ate our meal by the roadside 我們是在公路旁吃的飯。

Five died in a single roadside bombing in baghdad 在巴格達單行道邊,發生的一起爆炸事件中就有5人死亡。