
roadshow 巡回演出;〔美俚〕【電影】(票價較高的)特別獻映。


These 3 - minute clippings highlight the work and contributions of ngos and being broadcasted in roadshow , an effective advertising platform with a captive daily audience of over 3 million , from april 25 to june 2005 節目于二零零四年四月開始在roadshow全線流動平臺上播放,讓每天三百萬觀眾乘客能更清楚了解本港現今多個社福機構的服務理念及對社會的貢獻。

Shenhua , which launched a 13 - day roadshow in asia , europe and the us last thursday , is likely to be priced at a discount to the valuations of international rivals a move that may entice investors to buy into the listing 神華上周四開始在亞洲、歐洲和美國進行為期13天的路演,發行定價可能低于其國際競爭對手的估值,此舉可能吸引投資人購買發行的股票。

Summer vacation roadshows in a continued effort to raise public awareness about the importance of safeguarding personal data privacy , the pco launched a six - week privacy summer roadshow throughout the past summer months 暑假期間,公署在港各區的購物商場舉辦了為期六周的巡回展覽,藉此提高市民對保障個人資料私隱的認識。

From august to november 2004 , the largest - ever roadshow was staged in major shopping malls in beijing to highlight hong kong s latest attractions , reaching an estimated one million residents 由2004年8月至11月,旅發局在北京多個大型商場舉行歷來最大規模的巡回展覽,推介香港的最新旅游資訊,預計推廣層面可覆蓋100萬人。

Mr chung says a recent roadshow for overseas chinese communities in san francisco and los angeles secured deposits allowing for bids for about 20 per cent of the 500 units in the development ' s fifth tower 鐘先生說,最近向舊金山和洛杉磯的海外華人路演所獲得的定金,足以用來投標購買該小區7號樓500套房屋中的20 % 。

Roadshow holdings ltd is the leading out - of - home sales company that primarily markets advertising spaces on the interior of transit vehicles through a proprietary multi - media on board “ mmob “ system 路訊通控股有限公司是一家具領導地位的戶外媒體銷售公司,主要業務是營銷車上流動多媒體系統的廣告時間。

The campaign will be launched during the london 2012 summer roadshow , which starts on 15 june in greenwich , london and will visit every country and region in the uk on a 10 - week tour 運動將和6月15日在倫敦格林威治上演的“ 2012倫敦夏季路演”一起開始,將在英國各聯邦國家和地區進行為期10周的巡演。

This will enable the company to continue to build on the growth and success it has had to date . “ the company visited investors in eleven cities in asia , europe and the united states on a two - week roadshow 公司剛完成了為期兩周的國際路演,向亞洲、歐洲及美國等十一個城市的投資者進行企業推介。

This publication contains the speech delivered by mr joseph yam , the chief executive of the hong kong monetary authority , at the hong kong trade development council financial roadshow in tokyo 本書收錄了香港金融管理局總裁任志剛先生于香港貿易發展局舉辦的東京金融業巡回推介的主題演辭。

Through a network of transit vehicle exterior advertising , the roadshow transit network advertising platform delivers your marketing messages through exterior bus panels and bus shelters 透過運輸網絡廣告平臺,客戶可利用我們的巴士車身廣告和巴士亭廣告媒體,推廣產品及服務。

Ldk , which kicked off the roadshow of its ipo on wednesday this week , isseeking to raise up to $ 470 million from the sale of 17 . 4 millionads , or 16 . 7 % of the company 江西賽維于本周星期三開始ipo的路演,融資的規模達到4 . 7億美元,發行1740萬的ads合公司16 . 7 %的股份。

The roadshow will also reinforce the message that the uk will be hosting not one , but two great events , the olympic games and the paralympic games 通過宣傳此次活動將要提醒人們:英國將舉辦兩個(而不是一個)體育盛事奧林匹克運動會和殘疾人奧林匹克運動會。

“ caring for hong kong “ project , presenting 10 clippings on outstanding social service projects on roadshow to promote the work and contributions of ngos 計劃,制作錄像在巴士流動平臺介紹共十個卓越實踐的服務計劃,促進市民認識社會服務計劃的內容及貢獻。

“ caring for hong kong “ project , presenting 10 clippings on outstanding social service projects on roadshow to promote the work and contributions of ngos 計劃,制作錄像在巴士流動平臺介紹共十個卓越實踐的服務計劃,促進市民認識社會服務計劃的內容及貢獻。

Starting on july 6 , the 2012 roadshow bus will depart trafalgar square and visit towns and cities across england , scotland , wales and northern ireland 巡展巴士將從特拉法爾加廣場出發,途經英格蘭、蘇格蘭、威爾士及北愛爾蘭的鄉村和城鎮,于

Food safety day 2004 , an initiative focusing on food safety , was organised from july to november , and was launched with a food safety roadshow 本署舉行“食物安全大匯展” ,為一項嶄新的活動“食物安全日2004 ”揭開序幕。

Should any dead pixel to be found on the lcd within 7 days from the collection date , please raise the replacement request at the roadshow site 客戶如發現顯示屏上出現死點,可于提貨后七日內到展銷會場內提出更換。

Roadshow delivers a variety of entertaining programs through lcd monitor with a reach of over 2 million captive audience daily 透過我們的液晶體顯示屏,路訊通的多元化娛樂節目每日可以接觸超過二百萬的當然觀眾。

The initiative was launched on july 10 with a food safety roadshow co - organised with radio television hong kong ( rthk ) 二零零四年七月十日,本署與香港電臺合辦“食物安全大匯展” ,揭開這項活動的序幕。