
roadblock 【軍事】路障。


Additional patrols , radars and roadblocks will be set up at various locations and on major roads . strict enforcement action will be taken against offenders 警方將會于各地區及主要公路加強巡邏和額外設置雷達及路障,并嚴厲執法檢控違例者。

A voter - approved expansion of stem cell research in the state has run into political and financial roadblocks , putting the future of the research in doubt 狀態的干細胞研究的選民核準擴充已經陷入政治又財務的障礙,把研究的未來置于懷疑。

Police at roadblocks , border posts and airports are searching bags to see that no one is carrying more than z $ 100m ( about ? 88 ) 警方在路邊的路障、邊境警備站和機場都部署了警力搜查民眾的袋子,以確保沒有人的身上攜帶超過100萬辛巴威幣。

Admittedly , the negotiations have run into roadblocks on both sides , the latest being the firm opposition of france ' s new president , nicolas sarkozy 不得不承認,談判已陷入僵局,最近的一次障礙是來自法國新任總統薩科齊的強烈反對。

Parole violation . i doubt they ' ll toss up any roadblocks for that . not for an old crook like me . ( steps up ) mcnary , texas “違反假釋。但我懷疑他們會因此而設路障,來抓捕我這把年級的老賊。 (走到售票口)麥克納瑞,德克薩斯。 ”

Consequently , i don ' t put up roadblocks to what you do that enhances you as a person , even though it may result in my discomfort at times 因此,對你為完善自己人格所做的一切,我決不設置障礙,即使你做的事情有時會讓我不舒服。

Introduction : game description : jinglingshuxiaodi full of roadblocks in the skate - boarding side of the road , but also a lot of jumping tricks 攻略:游戲簡介:精靈鼠小弟在滿是路障的馬路邊上玩滑板,而且跳躍花樣還很多。

Consequently , i don ' t put up roadblocks to what you do that enhances you as a person , even though it may result in my discomfort at times 因此,對你為完善自己所做的一切,我決不設置障礙,即使你做的事情有時會使我不快。

The extortionists are often armed police or soldiers , manning roadblocks , who make little attempt to pretend what they do is legal 強奪者往往是武警或者士兵,以及設障人員,他們幾乎不試圖掩飾他們這樣做是否具有合法性。

Massive roadblocks are built that cannot be crushed by any unit , forcing the enemy to direct combat resources to destroying the barricades 能制造大量的不能被任何單位碾壓的路障,以迫使敵人花費作戰資源來摧毀這些障礙。

Cops use helicopter to catch speeding in inter - state highway . they use radar to lock the speed and radio to the roadblock ahead 差佬響號追都唔停車?要攪到用直升機追?你個女同學一系膽生毛,一系十下十下,差佬追都唔知! !

The private car was eventually stopped by the officers at a roadblock on route twisk near shek kong camp in pat heung at about 5 am 他最終于上午五時左右在八鄉荃錦公路石崗軍營附近被警方的路障截停。

Game description : jinglingshuxiaodi full of roadblocks in the skate - boarding side of the road , but also a lot of jumping tricks 游戲簡介:精靈鼠小弟在滿是路障的馬路邊上玩滑板,而且跳躍花樣還很多。

Fijian troops surrounded mr . qarase ' s house and government buildings , and set up roadblocks in parts of the capital 斐濟軍隊包圍了恩加拉塞的官邸和政府辦公大樓,并且在首都部份地區設置路障。

The puppies were found inside the boot of the man s vehicle by the police when he was stopped at the shek chung au roadblock 警方在石涌凹的路障截查該男子的汽車時,在車尾箱發現該批小狗。

This presentation will discuss many of the issues , challenges and roadblocks that exist with present products and technology 該會議將介紹當前的產品和技術所面臨的問題、挑戰和障礙。

“ loss of humility can wreck our judgment . smug complacency can put a roadblock in front of our progress 喪失謙遜,會危害我們的判斷力;自以為是,可以讓我們前進時栽跟斗。

The fact that no two sites are exactly the same creates a roadblock or speed bump for each new visitor 事實上沒有兩個站點會為每個新來的訪問者制造完全相同的障礙或阻攔。

3 “ loss of humility can wreck our judgment . smug comlacency can put a roadblock in front of ou progress . 喪失謙遜,會危害我們的判斷力;自以為是,可以讓我們前進時栽跟頭