uploads/road rage.jpg

road rage 馬路怒火〔行車時某一開車者對另一開車者不滿而產生的憤怒〕...

road roller

“ weather does n ' t really cause a person to have road rage , but it can be a “ last straw “ when other things have already caused them to feel irritable , “ he added 他還說: “天氣并不是引起一個人'駕駛綜合癥'的真正原因,但是如果其他某種原因已經惹得他心煩意亂,那么陰沉的天氣也就成了'導火索' 。

Programmers can also rev up his metabolic rate to provide a good , sweaty simulation of road rage , said one of his creators , john rugh , a senior mechanical engineer 亞當的創造者之一、高級機械工程師約翰?盧伊說,程式設計師能調高亞當的新陳代謝率,模擬粗暴開車者的流汗情形,唯妙唯肖。

We might reduce antisocial driving behavior such as road rage , thereby significantly reducing the stress of driving 我們或許能減少野蠻開車這類有害公眾利益的開車行為,從而大大減輕行車壓力。

Get pumped for extreme motocross off - road racing with wild riders , road rage & crazy jumps 參加極端的摩托車越野賽-體驗野性的騎士道路競賽,道路狂奔和發狂的跳躍

Get pumped for extreme motocross off - road racing with wild riders , road rage & crazy jumps 獲得泵浦極端賽車場外道路上賽車與野生騎手道憤怒與瘋狂跳!

Earlier today a man was arrested for attacking a motorist in a road rage incident 今天早晨一名男子因在公路憤怒中襲擊一位駕車人而被捕

When driving to work , what would he do about road rage 開車上班時碰到了粗暴的駕駛行為,佛會怎么處理呢?

Hey , that ' s some serious road rage 嗨,那是很嚴重的街頭暴力

It ' s not worth risking lives over a little road rage 一點公路情緒不值得去冒生命危險。

For years people have called it road rage 多年來,人們稱之為行路狂暴情緒。

For years people have called it road rage 多年以來,人們把它稱之為公路暴躁癥。

Of a road rage incident today in hollywood 發生在好萊塢附近的一場車禍的受害者