uploads/road lamp.jpg

road lamp 路燈。

road louse

In addition , they were to light up the face of the buddha to let people see . they were also used to light up the hallways in the temples , just like our road lamps here 讓?看到路走,而且照出佛的臉,大家才看得到,也為了要照亮寺廟的路,像我們有路燈一樣,以前沒有燈才這樣弄。

The company follow the principle of “ customer is frist , best to best ” , its main line is high lamp , road lamp , city landscape lamp , garden lamp , grass lamp ect 公司堅持“客戶至上,精益求精”的原則,致力發展高桿燈、道路燈、景觀燈、庭院燈、草坪燈等戶外照明產品。

The construction contains 145 sets of residential building and transformers , roads in the district and road lamps 型普通社會住宅工程項目。該項目總合同額為

Control & maintain campus road lamps 控制道路和廠區照明工程。